Hey y’all!

This week went by in a blur. You are right though, I would much rather be busy than bored. And I hope you know I wasn’t complaining about being busy, it is just how I can describe myself, and how I am feeling. I love all the work I am doing. When you first got to Alabama, did everyone make comments on how tired you look? That is what I am getting. Ha-ha. I think three people told me I looked tired within the same hour. The bags must be looking pretty dark or something.

This week was a busy week, but not so much in our area. We spent a lot of time outside our area this week. We were supposed to go on exchanges with the Jasper sisters, but we found out that they were sick! For the second time. We took some soup to them, and spent some time taking care of them. Those sisters are hilarious together! Even though they were both out of it due to being sick, they were keeping us laughing! I think Sister Sommerfeld really wants to stay in Jasper for her last transfer. And they work so well together. I love being around the two of them.

Another thing we did this week was we went on a blitz in Northport. I was with Sister Moore, and we had a really great time! She was eager to show me all the people they have been working with, and she was really good at showing them she cared about them. One thing I was trying to help her learn was how to take the lead. She did pretty well with teaching the lessons. She is very organized, but she comes across as a little “know it all” as she tells people the things they have to get done. I think over time though she will get better at that.

I am learning a lot about the Plan of Salvation this week. We taught it to two of our investigators, and I watched as it had personal relevance to each of them, but in different ways. The first person we taught was our Chinese investigator, Pai. She was very interested to hear all about it. It was real to her, because all of her people in China have never had the gospel taught. A lot of them probably never will be taught. So when we talked to her about the spirit world, she thought that was amazing! It meant a lot to her to know that the Lord has prepared a way to save all of His children. The next investigator was Chris. As we taught him, he told us that he had the same beliefs! I was so amazed as I was able to see how the Lord had touched him, and had prepared him for this church. The gospel is already changing his life! It makes me so grateful to know about the Plan myself. If there is one thing that has always brought me comfort, it was the knowledge that the Lord had provided a way for us to return home, and to help others do the same. I am noticing how being on a mission has helped me to make all these principles real in my own life. As I have taught them, I was able to see in myself how they are applicable. My testimony grows every day.

Ready for a funny experience? Ever Monday night, our branch has Family Home Evening. We were helping an investigator get there, and I told him the address. I described the house, and said there would be cars outside the house. Everyone usually walks in, and so I told him that he could do the same…well, apparently he didn’t find the right house, and walked into a totally different bible study! Ahhhh he called us, and I had to give the phone to the member….it was real bad! But he made it safe and sound, and really loved the lesson. Thank goodness we all have someone to help us!

The quote is this, “A man without a plan is like a ship without a rudder.” Keep planning, and looking for the Lord’s hand in your lives! I love y’all, and hope you have a good Thanksgiving!


Sister Zackrison

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