Sister Chamberlain: WEll Hello there!!! :) (12-1-2014)

So this one is going to have to be short again I am so, so sorry but you see there was a factory that exploded by us so we had to take this crazy roundabout way to get to the library cause everything was blocked off on the roads and sidewalks and then when we got to the library it was closed so then we came to the chapel but there is only one computer so we have had to take turns but we are going to go learn how to play touch rugby in a few minutes with our district and one of the elder’s friends that they are teaching and his girlfriend. His name is Wayne and he played professionally for England for a while so it should be good. Our flat is all taken care of now! When we came back we spent a few hours just scrubbing mold cause I don’t think the sister had actually cleaned in who knows how long and I just couldn’t live like that haha. Sister Green is amazing and we have been having so much fun together! We had a big Thanksgiving dinner at a humungo American’s house with three families and a few young people going to uni here. I made Sister Green and two members "My FIRST THANKSGIVING" badges! It was quite cute! I ATE SO MUCH. It was the best!! I felt so blessed. Another wonderful thing that I was thankful and am thankful for is that Lucia a girl from China that we are teaching is getting baptized this Sunday! She was set for the 13th but she wanted to move it earlier :) She is the SWEETEST that has ever walked this planet. Goodness I just love her! I can say a few things in Chinese now! She says my comp has a Hong Kong accent. She feels pretty cool now "yeah well when I am speaking Chinese I have a Hong Kong accent." I wish I had a Hong Kong accent. Oh I have pictures for you! I went to LONDON!!!!!!!!! We saw Elder Cook and his wife speak and it was awesome!! All of us went and shook his hand it took a little while cause there were 450 of us missionaries but it was so cool! I saw my MTC comp and some girls from my room at the MTC that are in the other mission. Oh my and this sweet sister that was in my room was there and she gave me the biggest hug ever and just kept saying "I SPEAK ENGLISH NOW!!" I was so, so proud of her cause in the MTC she was just crying every night cause all she could say was I love you and boyfriend haha :) the cutie! But she was speaking fluently!! Truly a testimony of how this is the Lord’s work! I wish I had more time to say stuff but I love you all!!!!

Love, Sister Chamberlain

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