So Elder Jesus is gone. Yep I’m really, really going to miss that guy. I really do love him and he has become my best friend. He has helped me through thick and thin and I really do love him.  So I’m with Elder King again we are serving in Portuguese South.  The same area I have been in my whole mission so we will see how this goes. Looks like I will be spending winter with him this year.Parker 1

This week was the best week and the best way to end a transfer. Elder Jesus and I worked very very hard and we found a lot of really amazing people. It was such a blessing. Our little Portuguese branch is finally getting somewhere.

Some miracles that happened this week. We have a new ward mission leader and he speaks Portuguese, so finally I can understand what on earth is going on in those meetings. He has taken it upon himself to translate sacrament meeting into Portuguese because he wants to have a Portuguese branch so we have started on that. We have reactivated 2 families and hopefully one more before Christmas. It will be really good if we keep up. If we keep this going by 2 or 4 months we should have enough people for a Portuguese branch.DSCF3354[1]

Last week Elder Jesus and I found a Brazilian family that has already read the book of Mormon the gospel principles book and the teaching of Joseph F Smith. She asked us to bring her the Doctrine and Covenants and the Pearl of Great Price this week. We are hopefully this week going over to set a baptismal date with her and her husband. They have a little family here also that should start investigating the church also. After that Elder Jesus and I found a Portuguese lady from the islands that accepted to be baptized in December. Hopefully all goes well with her. Also this week we have an appointment with a Portuguese family that used to investigate the church and the mom really wants to be baptized. She is planning some big family dinner party for us to come over and teach her whole family, keep your figures crossed.

DSCF3358[2]There was something that I wanted to say right now.

Exactly one year ago I lost someone very close to me.

That was so hard for me I couldn’t imagine how hard it was for his family. I just wanted to say that Chandler was one of the greatest examples for me in my life. He was one of my best friends. I miss him so much but I know he is in a better place and I hope his family knows that I’m always praying for them.  I can’t imagine how hard the holidays must be for them right now.

A mission is very hard. Yes, the snow is here and I’m not excited to go tracting or contacting in the cold again but I know this is God’s work. In my mission I have felt so lonely and sometimes so depressed if it weren’t for the Savior and his love I wouldn’t be here. I hope that all the people here will be able to know that God loves them, I hope I can bring that message to them. Counting the days until I can see and talk to you all.


Elder Parker Dayton Landgren

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