Hey Y’all!

This week was a busy one! I have never been busier in my whole mission than in this area! We went on two exchanges this week, and they were both a lot of fun. I am learning so much from these sisters! I have been so blessed to work with such dedicated and obedient sisters.
My first exchange was with Sister Warren, in Northport. She came out with me, so instantly we were able to click and remember our MTC days. I really look up to the missionary she has become. We spent all of our down time from one appointment to the next just talking and laughing, and really getting to know each other. She told me about a lot of the struggles she has had over her mission, and I was so inspired by her. She really has a love for the people she is teaching, and she really wants them to do well. She has been so patient with Sister Moore, who she is training. She expressed to me that training is a lot harder than she thought it would be, and that she was really growing from it. She said Sister Moore is doing well, and learning how to be more confident and follow through with her goals and suggestions. One thing I really learned from Sister Warren is that you are never too tired to be selfless. At the end of the day she was still serving me, and making sure I had all I needed. She was tired I am sure, but she never stopped serving. I was so inspired.

The second exchange we went on was with the Bessemer sisters. I went to Bessemer, and that was also a fun exchange. It was unfortunately in Spanish for the majority of the exchange, but Sister McClune is one phenomenal Spanish speaker. I tried to help when I could, and bear testimony for her to translate. We also taught a few English people, and that was really neat. She was so bubbly and loving, and she really loves the Hispanic culture. I really learned more about persistence, and diligence as I spent the day with Sister McClune. She was determined to use every minute of the day wisely, and effectively. I learned that diligent and effective are like synonyms. When you do one, you are doing the other. While in Bessemer, we learned how to make tamales with one of their investigators! Wow, what a fun day! Hispanics are the best! She is really trying to help Sister McKnight learn how to be a good Spanish missionary. She is doing a really good job.

As you may have heard, Alabama won against Mississippi State! It was a close game, and we could hear it wherever we went on campus. We spent some time on campus, but everyone was so into the game…and their drinks…that we weren’t able to talk to very many sober people. Ha ha. It was absolutely nuts on campus! There were tents lined shoulder to shoulder on the quad and they were all watching the game in their own tail gate tents. I was walking and a guy, who was drunk, asked us for a “roll tide kiss”. Man, I wish y’all could see how quickly my heart rate picked up and I bolted! It was crazy! This team really does revolve around football. We won though. It was nice. :)

While we were in our area, we saw many miracles! The coolest thing that happened was Maggie was baptized! She has one of the strongest IMG_0302testimonies I know. She was really prepared, and she accepted the gospel with all of her heart. The baptism went off without a catch. We did have to boil some of the water for the font…nobody wants to be baptized in an ice bath! Our hot water was coming out so slow, and we didn’t know what else to do besides fill it up with cold water. But after the boiling water went in, and the hot water left on for a bit, the font was a perfect temperature! That was sure a blessing as well. I am so grateful that I was able to be a part of it. It blessed my life to see someone else making covenants in her life.

The quote of the week is from a talk on Sunday. “Trying to be Christian without prayer is like trying to live life without air.” We really need prayer. That quote put it in perspective for me so strongly. Prayer is essential to living a life that the Lord would have us live. Remember to make prayer a priority this week! It will bless your life like nothing else! Love y’all! I hope this week goes well!


Sister Zackrison

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