Hey y’all!


Fall is here, and so we took lots of pictures. :) Here is a taste of the roads I get to drive on while here in Booneville.

Transfers are here, and I am sad to say that I am leaving Booneville. I thought for sure that I would get to finish out Sister Smith’s training, but the Lord has other needs for me at this time. I am really going to Miss Booneville! It has been such an honor to serve here, and to really learn to love the people here. It was a tough transition for me, but I know it will be an even tougher goodbye. Booneville is a special place. It needs the Savior, and I feel blessed that I got to serve here. I know that people will continue to be prepared here in Booneville!

What a week it has been! It was actually a tough week for us here in Booneville. It seemed like everything we were counting on happening this week, and everything we were planning for this week didn’t happen. I felt like we were being fought against, but it was okay. Because nothing worked out, we were just put in a position to be the instruments of the Lord. On a positive note, we got to have interviews with President Hanks, and that was fantastic! That happened on Wednesday. I love that one on one time I get with him, because it allows me to see a more personal side of him. I am so grateful for the guidance he give us. He never fails to inspire me. We also got to see Meet the Mormons. y’all, I bawled. It was such an inspiring show! It will do wonders for those who want to know what Mormons are like. It was amazing. It made me really grateful for missionary work.

This week we had some cool finding experiences. We were in Walmart, (such a shock I know. Walmart is a missionary’s best friend!) and we were trying to contact. We had walked by this lady three times. We finally began talking to her. She was very open, and when we told her what we do as missionaries she invited us to her house! At first I was a little shocked because that never happens! We tried to see her twice…but she wasn’t home when she told us to come over, and the next day she was busy getting ready for work. So it didn’t work out, but we don’t accept defeat easily. She is still someone we are planning on focusing on. Another night, we were outside and I was getting a little cold. My endurance has weakened dramatically since I have been in the South. I am a wimp in cool weather now! But anyways, we decided to go get some hot chocolate. While we were sitting in the gas station, we saw many miracles. We saw a potential investigator we had met before, and set up a time to meet with her. We also met a man who had previously been engaged to a Mormon woman, and told us that he would like to learn more about it. We then met a couple of students who we invited to come play volleyball with us, and to have a bible study. It was like we were sitting at a booth, and people kept coming! It made me grateful that I wanted hot chocolate, and it showed me that sometimes, small things that seem like a good idea can actually be promptings from the spirit.

These finding opportunities made me realize more fully that this is the Lord’s work. He will not leave us alone to do it, but He will put us in the paths of others if we are willing to be used as His vessels. It has been humbling to watch Him help us find people to teach. We can still improve a lot, but it is cool to know that the Lord is still helping us. It reminds me of a scripture in Doctrine and Covenants section 64:3. “Wherefore, be not weary in well-doing, for ye are laying the foundation of a great work. And out of small things proceedeth that which is great.” My dad sent that to me, and it has been the theme scripture of my life the past few weeks. We are laying the foundation, and it is oh so great to be a part of it. I absolutely love it.

Speaking of improvement, my quote goes along with that. I was visiting with a woman in our ward who stays in a nursing home, and she said this to me. She said, “A perfect person is a person you do not know.” It hit me! None of us are perfect! We know people who are close, but no one who can claim to be the Savior. It motivated me to continue to become more like the Savior, and to continue to strive to be perfect, just like he encourages us to do in the scriptures. Become perfect, even as He is. One step at a time. I invite y’all to pick one thing this week to strive to be a little more perfect in. You can do it! The Lord will help you know what to do, and give you the strength to do it. Katie 2

Everything else is going well! I am more nervous for Sister Smith than I am for myself with the upcoming transfer. I know that the Lord put me in her life for a reason, and I want her to love her new companion. I want her to still be able to do missionary work, and to be happy. She is such an amazing little missionary, and I know this will help her blossom into something even greater. I feel like a concerned mother. I love her so much, but I know the Lord will take care of her.

It is a miracle I am still living. I hope y’all have such a good week! Thanks for all the love and support!

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