Sister Chamberlain: Moved in!!!

Guildford, Surrey

That is my new address! :) Moving was so much work!!! So I had been packing in our spare time before bed just to make it easier on us but it was still so much work! On Friday night I took apart our bunk bed (thank you so much for teaching me how to do that sort of thing dad!!!) so we slept on the floor. Then the next morning Jimmy Hardy, David Bull, and the elders all came and helped us load everything on the back of Jimmy’s truck. It didn’t take too long. Then we got to our new flat and this is the fun part. So Jimmy pulled his huge truck just below our window and one of the elders stood on top of the cab of the truck the other elder and I in our window sill and we just passed everything up through the windows! Done in like 20 minutes! Our flat is so, so, so mice! I feel like we are in a hotel or something! I hope I stay I really like that flat haha.

We had a wonderful week. We had exchanges with the Kingston sisters! I love them so much!!! They both have such sweet spirits with them and are such good examples of comp unity. They are like the same person. I can never tell them apart on the phone! We saw some awesome miracles this week which I will have to tell you about next week cause I am running out of time but just know it was one of the best weeks ever yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We did a lot of service and lots of people wanted to talk with us :)

Wednesday is Guy Fawkes day so yay fireworks to celebrate burning a man at the stake for almost blowing up parliament haha such a strange holiday!!

Love you all :)

Love, Sister Chamberlain

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