ELDER OLDROYD: Trials on Earth

So unfortunately or fortunately, however; you want to look at it, I didn’t run into any bible bashers this week. Dad what you told me is so true. I had to experience it. I have had a few bible bashing moments where it was awesome and I was able to help them out understand what the true meaning of the scripture was. But the last one I spoke of was not having it what so ever! That’s okay though, I’m sure they will come around sooner or later. It’s important to understand the role of the Spirit, it will guide you with whatever you’re doing.  That is the most interesting and inspiring thing that I have learned on my mission. Truthfully it’s one of the best things to understand and for you to realize that it’s the Spirit in your life.

I gave a talk this Sunday as well to the other Elders. But I gave my talk on Faith. Some key scriptures that have helped me out throughout my whole mission is these scriptures about Faith. Ether 12:6 “And now, I, Moroni, would speak somewhat concerning these things; I would show unto the world that faith is things which are hoped for and not seen; wherefore, dispute not because ye see not, for ye receive no witness until after the trial of your faith.” and then if you look at Alma 32:5 it goes perfectly with Faith.. “And now my son, Shiblon, I would that ye should remember, that as much as ye shall put your trust in God even so much ye shall be delivered out of your trials, and your troubles, and your afflictions, and ye shall be lifted up at the last day.

We all are going to have trials in our life’s that is a given fact that we accepted coming down to Earth. How else would we gain experience?? But we understand that we can’t do it alone. We need help from our Father in Heaven. We have to have Faith to get through our trials and we learn from Alma 32:5 that we NEED to put our trust in God and we will be delivered out of our trials. That’s such an amazing promise!! How amazing is that? You know, while I was speaking I felt the love that Heavenly Father has for me and I told the Ward that, but I also learned how much love that Heavenly Father has for everyone else at the same time. It’s was so overwhelming and for me to get a confirmation of that while I was on the pulpit was such a great feeling. I love the Spirit and how it works through me. That is the most amazing thing we can feel. Nobody needs tobacco, nobody needs alcohol, drugs, nothing! The most amazing thing we can feel is the Spirit. The Elders and I in the apartment had a very spiritual discussion the other night and all of us were in tears because of the things that were being said.  We knew that it was the Spirit and not us talking. It’s hard to get into detail with it but the Spirit was super strong in that room. We all understood why we were in Ashland at that time and moment. It was truly a miracle.

Also on Saturday the Ward had a softball game and of course the missionaries were going!!! It was a blast! In one picture I have a mouth full of seeds. Why wouldn’t you have seeds while playing softball?! That’s a good question, that’s why I bought some haha. Also this is Sarah Sommers. She is the one that drew that picture that I sent home to you guys! She is awesome! Her dad is the 1st counselor in the bishopric and her mom is the Relief Society Pres. This Ward is amazing! I can’t wait to take you guys back here! Unfortunately transfers are coming up on the 3 and the odds are pointing to me leaving Ashland. It’s a bitter sweet feeling.

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