Hey everybody!

Well this week was really good for us! First, we had a zone conference will a ton of missionaries! It was great to see a couple of my friends that are in different zones! We had Elder Hamula of the seventies come and give trainings on being better missionaries! It was a great opportunity to learn from him and all the info that can help us in our missionary work!

So we were also able to get a new investigator this last week! He is Deklan’s stepfather and is so cool! We had great lessons with him on Tuesday and on Saturday where he really opened up and liked the gospel!

I also went on an exchange into the other Bumby elder’s area which was fun! We had some great times and we were able to get a lot of work done! I got to eat some more Haitian food which is good! A lot of beans and rice in some green sauce.  It was rockin!

I had a whole notebook of things that I was going to write about but I forgot it and left it at home. So sorry about that but it was a great week! We felt like missionaries! We were screamed off of porches and cussed at but it’s all worth it cause we are missionaries and we have the greatest message to share!

Have a great week y’all and hope you are all doing well@

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