LOVE is the only thing that keeps people going forward. Love is the thing people look for in life to keep going. Throughout our life’s we learn and feel love. Sometimes we get upset because we don’t feel like somebody loves us and things get frustrating. Sometimes we don’t feel like we need to show people that love because “they already know I love them.” Well I’m sorry to say but that’s not true. I was studying the Christ like attributes in Chapter 6 in Preach My Gospel. I mainly studied Charity and Love. Man it’s crazy how much love Jesus Christ had for us. Why did he have to do that for us? Well, he didn’t. He didn’t have to be brutally beaten, spit on, nailed to a cross and hung up there to die. He didn’t have to do that! But he did it anyways because

1. Heavenly Father told him to and

2. He LOVES us.

Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ made this plan all possible for us as Heavenly Fathers children to return to him. But they keep reaching out to us every single day. Through personal revelation, prayer, feelings, every way we can think of. How much love is that? Sometimes we “don’t think he loves us.” But he truly does, he tells us that every day. So we can tell others in our lives that we love them. Everyone needs to be loved so that they can keep going forward and give them that assurance that they truly are loved.

Elder Mitchell and I are getting a long better and we are rockin it in Ashland! This area is amazing! I don’t ever wanna leave!! But transfers are coming up on September 3. On that day I will be in Ashland for 7 1/2 months! The longest area I have served in! I can’t believe how fast everything is going by! I mean yeah, it goes by super fast but sometimes it can go by slow. For the most part it’s super quick! I’m happy and healthy and I really don’t need anything. I hope y’all have a great week! Keep smiling!

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