Sister Chamberlain: Best week ever!

Quote of the week:

“We sometimes feel great respect and reverence for creative genius as expressed in great art or music. How much more should we revere the power and majesty of our Divine Creator?”

Elder M. Russell Ballard

YAY congrats Lovegrove on your baptism love you!!!!

So this last week has just been amazing! We have been able to teach so many people and see so many miracles! One miracle is Kirsty! So a few weeks ago a member asked us to stop by a friend of his, so we did and his wife wasn’t interested. We knocked his whole street though and when people don’t answer their doors we leave a little pass along card through their door. Nothing has ever happened from that but we think well at least they have the website and our number if they are interested. Well guess what something finally did happen from it! We got a text two weeks ago saying "Hi you put your number through my door. My name is Kirsty." We said something back asking if she wanted to know more about our church and Christ’s gospel and she said yes. So we scheduled a time to meet with her. Well we met with her and it was awesome! We found out she has just gotten out of rehab and she desperately wants to change her life back around. She has had her two children taken from her and has basically lost everything because of drugs. She said she finally had the courage to go back to her home (because it was a tip (a dump) and it made her depressed so she was living at her parents) and the first thing she saw was our card and she said she felt like it was a message from heaven. Well it was :) Anywho we helped her the next day take a chunk out of cleaning her home and it is starting to look so good! And she told us that after our lesson with her she felt like it all seemed familiar and she remembered when she was younger she used to message a Mormon named Matt online who she thought was weird at first because he would ask her not to swear and stuff. Well he sent her a Book of Mormon with his testimony in it and they became really good friends but they lost contact when he went on his mission to Jamaica. The Lord’s work is so amazing! She said that made her even more interested when she remembered that because she had always really admired Matt.

Umm I can’t really think of anything else. We are not eating sugar for a week because one of the elders in our district challenged us not to so we know how our investigators feel giving up different things. I asked if I could be exempted because I already know how they feel but they said no :( I am just happy our dinner with the McNamee’s was last week because they make the BEST desserts. Poor elders they have their dinner with them this week. This is Sister Ross’s last week ever. So weird that went by fast. So next week I can tell you who my new comp is!

Love you all!! Have a fantastic week!! :)

Love, Sister Chamberlain

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