How are things going with you all?

So this week was pretty good. It flew by and I can’t remember half of it so that’s good because it means that we were working! We had interviews with President Berry. It went good. He gave us some great advice on the area so that is great because we are still trying to find people. We did find someone this week! It is a part-member family. The husband is a member while his wife is not. They are open to learning so it gives us an awesome opportunity to teach them and help them out. They are super cool and way great to talk to because they really are interested in learning. They are reading the Book of Mormon together and came to church yesterday.

So my iPad stopped working this week as well. We have an app that allows us to plan out our days and to have the people we are teaching right on the app so we can schedule them in and work in our finding time as well. Well my app crashed and won’t sync up with Elder Bravo’s. We live and die by our plans so when you don’t have the opportunity to access your plans, it really starts to mess with you because I have no clue what is going on today. I can ask Bravo which is great but still kind of a struggle because he doesn’t know the ins and outs of the app yet. So I guess this is why I am still fuzzy on what actually happened this week. What I know is that we biked a lot and cleaned out our ward roster! There are a lot of names that don’t live in the area anymore so it’s the missionaries job to track these folks down and a good portion of them are gone from the area.

I hope you all are doing well! Transfers is next week so I think I am staying but stay tuned. I am thinking if I go, I will be transferred to Apopka or St. Cloud. They are large areas with full car so that is nice!

Have a great week and hope you all are doing well!

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