SISTER ZACKRISON: Farewell Hoover :(

Hey y’all.

As you can see, I am being transferred. I am actually really upset about it. Leaving Montgomery was hard because I was leaving all I knew. But this time? It is totally different. I invested my heart here in Hoover, and I worked hard every day to see success. Now that I am leaving, there is SO much potential here, and I feel like it is partly because of how hard my companion and I worked together. And now, I have to leave. It breaks my heart. I feel like I am leaving home all over again, except for this time there is the chance that I won’t be seeing any of them again. It is really hard, but also cool to see how much the Lord opened my heart. When he did, Hoover and all its people rushed it. I really love it here. I have faith that the Lord knows where I need to be, because He can see my future. I need to have faith in that, or I would be an even bigger wreck than I am. Haha.

Sis ZackrisonBut, enough with the sad! This week ended with the most spiritual experience I have had my whole mission. Tawanna Latrice Dyer was baptized and confirmed a member of this true, and restored church. It was such an incredible experience. I don’t have the words to describe the feelings of my heart, but I will do my best. Saturday came and everything was working out perfectly. Tawanna and her family got to the church half an hour early, and I was able to meet her children. Ahmad is 15, Zamir is 11, and K’lahni is 9. The second I saw them I loved them. There is something about them…I feel like they are part of my family. It is so cool. We took them on a tour, and then we took lots of pictures. Joey Toone, a member in our ward, was asked by Tawanna to do the actual ordinance. He got to church, and then the service began. Tawanna’s member friend was able to be there, and she gave the talk. Which was really special for Tawanna. It was simply perfect, and it was exactly what needed to be shared. Then, Tawanna was baptized! As she came out of the water, you could literally feel the spirit so strong. Tawanna broke down into tears and it was such a tender moment. I could see that she felt different. I could feel it.Sis Zackrison

Then afterwards, she was asked to bear her testimony. She talked all about her journey, and the process she went through to find out this church was true. She told of her experiences with the adversary, and how she realized they were the answers she needed to prove to her that this church is the truth. Then she said, “I know with 100% surety that this church is true.” When she said that, the spirit hit me like a brick wall, and then I broke down in tears! I can’t describe the feeling that washed over me, I felt indescribable joy. It reminded me of the scripture in Alma 26:11 where Ammon says, “I do not boast in my own strength, nor in my own wisdom; but behold, my joy is full, yea, my heart is brim with joy, and I will rejoice in my God.” It also reminds me of D&C 18:15-17 where it says, “And if it so be that you should labor all your days in crying repentance unto this people, and bring, save it be one soul unto me, how great shall be your joy with him in the kingdom of my Father! And now, if your joy will be great with one soul that you have brought unto me into the kingdom of my Father, how great will be your joy if you should bring many souls unto me! Behold, you have my gospel before you, and my rock, and my salvation.” I testify that this is the joy I felt when I realized that Tawanna gets it. She knows this church is true, and now she is a member! The next day was wonderful as well as she was able to be confirmed. She got up and bore her testimony as well, and it was a thrilling experience for me. I have never witnessed something like this before, and I may never see it again while on my mission. But I would be happy with that knowing that Tawanna has found the truth. She is simply a miracle, and one I will remember for the rest of my life.

In other news, we killed a snake this week. Well, I didn’t. One of the elders and our investigator family did. We were all there together. Us, the elders, a family in the ward, the investigator family, and also the Hanks! Yes, I was at dinner with my mission president. Crazy stuff. We had to leave to go to an appointment, and I literally walked right over a copperhead snake. Apparently those are really poisonous. Sister Petersen noticed it and went back inside for help. Everyone ran out, and then the dad and Elder Mckay cornered it and killed it. I know it is kind of silly to say, but I know the Lord watched over us that day. He protected us from the snake!Sis Zackrison

Those were the big events of the week. Needless to say, it was a pretty great way to end my time in Hoover. It reminds me of a quote I found that says, “everything in life is an once-in-a-lifetime experience.” And as cheesy and obvious as that sounds, it is the truth. We need to cherish each experience. We need to be grateful that the Lord blessed us with them, and we need to write about them. I have always seen journaling as a form of gratitude. We are writing them down to show the Lord how much we value the experiences we are having, and that we are eager for more. My time in Hoover has quite literally changed my life. This whole mission has done that, but my time here I will always hold sacred. I encourage y’all to cherish those once in a lifetime experiences the Lord gives us each day. Here I am, off to a new adventure! Wish me luck!

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