Sister Firth: Welcome to church Greg Warnock!!

Hey family!!

Okay so before i even talk about missionary stuff, i gotta tell you a story….

Greg and me.

Greg and me.

So i got a call from Bishop Cook on Saturday asking if i’d give a talk on Sunday! Well i said yes. So Sunday rolls around and we go to church. I went up on the stand 5 minutes before church was starting and the elders were out in the hall. Well im looking through the window out in the hall and i can see this neon yellow jacket, but i couldn’t see who it was. The elders opened the door and called my name but then closed the door.  Immediately i knew who it was! It was GREG WARNOCK!!! So he went and took off his biker coat and came into the chapel all dressed in biker clothes…classic!! Right when he walked in, i got so excited and had the biggest smile on my face! So i gave my talk, which went pretty good, (i was nervous haha) and then i immediately ran down there and said hi! We gave each other a hug and went out in the hall to talk! Well we talked for 2 hours! It was so good to see someone who was family! Ah i can’t even explain how happy and excited i was!! We talked about the mission, home, his family, my family, life, ect!! It was AWESOME!!!! And then we took some pics, he got on his saweet bike, and then took off to go to Ireland! So ya it was great and i will never forget it! So good to see and talk with Greg.

Alright now here’s the missionary stuff…

So God is truly blessing us….we have 2 new investigators!!

Sister Watt and me

Sister Watt and me

FAMILY of 6! Can you believe it. A FAMILY!!! The parents are getting married in 10 weeks and they have 4 little kids under the age of 13. So cute!! We’ve taught them twice and Fiona (the mom) loves it! Liam (the dad) is back and forth. He doesn’t like religion but guess what…after we left the first time after teaching them, he picked up the BOM and read to 1 Nephi 3!! He liked it but said it’s just a story. We are going back this week so let’s hope it goes well!! They are great!!

ALISON: She is a former investigator….we picked her up again two weeks ago but wasn’t a progressing investigator until this past week! She has been taught all of the lessons and has had about 3 baptism dates! She’s just scared to betray her family. We’re really working on her though. She knows the church is true and that she needs to get baptized, she’s just scared.

So cool story….last week, i fasted on Wednesday for 3 things:

-new investigators

Well, Heavenly Father came through once again. We got about 8 potential investigators last week!! Trial of our faith? Yep!!

I am grateful to be a missionary even when times are hard and i miss my family like crazy. 

God sure is loving and helped me out a ton. I have truly felt His love this past week and will sure be confiding in Him a lot this week as well. Sometimes people’s agency stinks….i hate it sometimes but trials make us stronger right? I’ve learned to be grateful for my trials….they make me who i am. If God didn’t give us trials, we would never grow or progress in life. I’ve learned as well that it’s okay to be sad even as a missionary. It’s okay to cry when you are sad or lonely. But i’ve also learned that when you are done crying and being sad, push it to the back of your mind and get to work because these people need to hear about what makes all of us so happy. I am grateful to be a missionary even when times are hard and i miss my family like crazy. I know without a doubt that God has helped me this week. Even by sending Greg to my ward…it helped me. I’m thankful for my Savior and that i can apply His atonement in my life to ease my pain. I know that God watches out for all of us, and that Christ walks with us every step of the way. Missions truly are a test, a growing experience, learning experience, happy experience, and a privilege. I’m thankful i get to be out here helping the people of Scotland and Ireland come unto Christ. What a blessing!

Sister Mills and me at our zone development day.

Sister Mills and me at our zone development day.

Family i love you! i sure miss you all! Tell Greg thanks for coming to church and talking with me!! Thanks for everything fam!!! i love you!!! xoxo :)

Sister Firth :)

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