Elder Cowan: Mormon.org Investigator

Heeeey folks! Well this week was awesome! It was probably the best week we have had in Minneola so far. The only downside to it was that we had the bikes for 5 of the 7 days. Oh well it was worth it though. I guess the coolest thing that happened was we found a new investigator! The guy had requested that missionaries come over from mormon.org and so we got the referral and we went over kind of on a dime last saturday. We kind of woke him up but he sat down and loved the message. He has gone through a tough time and really wanted to know if what we shared was true and if it could bring him closer to God. We testified that it did and he ended saying one of the best prayers about seeking to know truth! Miracles!
It was also a good week in every other aspect. We taught a lot of people and talked to a ton of folks as well. We are all trying to focus on moving the needle. It’s kind of like if we can set the bar for one week, what can we do this next week to top it. We have been trying each week to improve so this last week we improved a ton! I love working hard and seeing success.

We have the car a lot more this week so we are trying all we can to find more people to teach and progress towards baptism! Sorry it’s a shorter one this week but know that we are doing all we can to find! We love you all and have a great week! Here’s a pic of when we are tired. Have a great presidents day!



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