Hey Y’all!!

Merry Christmas!!! Can you believe last week was Christmas? It was a really amazing holiday. Skyping with my family was of course, one of the best parts! It was good to see them in person, and see how they have grown. I was surprised to see how much my nieces had changed since I left. They are so big now! My niece Leila sang me all sorts of songs, and told me she can’t wait for me to come home and play with her. Malia told me about her sweet monkey Violet, and it was her favorite Christmas present. It was really sweet. It was also fun to be with missionaries, ward members, and less active members.


The morning we had a big breakfast at the church with all the missionaries in the area. We brought cinnamon rolls, and played some games afterwards. We are dinner at the stake president’s home, and it was soooo good. It was a mix between a Utah dinner, and a southern dinner. I felt very lucky to be there. Then I got to SKYPE HOME, and then we went to Kari’s house. She is a less active in our branch. She has determination to come back to church, and get worthy to go on a mission. We have been spending some time with her this break, and she is really making some amazing progress. She has begun to quit smoking, and she even came to church on Sunday, the first time in a good minute. It was the biggest Christmas miracle of the season!IMG_0625

This week we also went to Bessemer on a blitz. I stayed with Sister McKnight. She is such an amazing sister. She is trying so hard to be a good example, and to do her best to learn the language. She is working hard at it! I have grown to love her so much. She is truly like a bright ray of sunshine in the middle of a stormy day. She will make the best leader one day. I can already see that because she is already a leader in her area. She is truly such a blessing in my life. I look up to her a lot for her positive view of life, and her happy attitude. I am so grateful for the chance I have to be in her area.

This week was good, and a bit slow, but we are staying busy! The Lord is helping us to stay busy, and we find people to teach and to talk to. We have been able to work with some of our less actives as well, and it has been really good to see them. I am so grateful that I get to be companions with Sister Warren. We have been able to connect really well, and we just are able to support each other. I am so blessed by her, and the way she keeps me going in the tough moments. I know it is not up to me, but I would really love to have another transfer with her. The Lord is really good to me, and has blessed me with such wonderful companions I can grow and learn from.

Well, this email may be a bit short this week, but  I feel like with Christmas, I already got most my talking out. :) This week is New Years! My thought I want to leave with y’all today is this a rebirth. We celebrate Christ’s birth this time of year and His birth represents so many things: new life, new opportunities, a clean slate, etc. And we hope for so many of those same things around the New Year time. I’m grateful for the new opportunities that Christ has provided for us! I have high hopes for this New Year and I know those hopes are possible through Christ. In 3 Nephi 12, Christ is talking about how His life fulfills the law of Moses and brings forth the new law, but I feel that this scripture applies in this New Year context as well: “Old things are done away, and all things have become new.” I hope that y’all are able to make some new year’s resolutions, and that there are things in this upcoming year that can change. Whether that be with who you are, or things you do, or whatever, this year is the time for change. I love y’all, and I hope that things go well this week!

Chili’s is Christmas Eve, and the other is Christmas morning. Don’t judge. Love y’all!


Sister Zackrison

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