Hey everyone! How’s it going today! Well things are going well after the whole post-Christmas thing! We had a great Christmas here in Florida. I heard that Utah got slammed with snow while we were her with 90’s on Christmas!  Man I love this sunshine state!  So I got to talk to the folks which was pretty fun for the holidays, I hope things went well with all of your holidays!  This week was a finding week for us. We had a loss of investigators on our part so that made things a little difficult. But we ran into a ton of potential investigators who have some sweet potential to go see this week. One of the coolest experiences this week happened yesterday. We had a lady come from St. Augustine and give us a name to go visit. So, we went and visited her yesterday but the lady wasn’t home. So we started knocking some doors around her house. The second door we knocked on was a guy who is a member of the church who hasn’t come in a while. We shared a lesson with him and he really wants to come back! It was so cool! Then we went back later that night and got to see the lady who we intentionally visited! She is awesome and is so ready for baptism! I hope your New Year’s go well. We are setting some good goals for, the rest of the mission because 2015 is the year I come home… Crazy… We’ll have a great week everybody!
Elder Cowan

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