Elder Hansen: My first baptism!!!! KA-SPLOOSH!!!

Friday: taught a couple people. One of them is a new investigator. She just moved in and lives alone. So we had a member come with us. And boy oh boy was she a talker! She just kept go ‘in and go ‘in but she is great. She has a few kids. Almost half her back is metal because of an abusive marriage. There seems to be a ton of that out here and it is quite depressing. I am just glad that these women escape with their lives. But she is a Christian and has been wanting to go to church for a while now, so she is very willing to talk to us, especially since she keeps an open mind. We gave her a B.O.M. and she is very pleased with the answers to her questions that we gave her.

You can just feel his faith!

Next that day, we correlated with the mission leader in the branch. He is a really cool guy and a convert of only a few years. He was an active Baptist but missionaries tracted into him. It is great whenever he sings haha! He is just so loud and off key and uneven…. It is fantastic! Don’t even get me started on how he does the sacrament prayer. I love it! You can just feel his faith!

Saturday: We went to a little town called Big Sandy to try and catch up with a few investigators. We ended up walking into a little scene outside in the middle of the street. We said hi and they said hi back and one of them (a woman) called us out as Mormons. Both of us were shocked because no one calls us out of the bat. Usually people just avoid all together. She looked rather happy to see us. Apparently 2 years ago the missionaries visited with them often (very) and their son when he was 13 went out with the missionaries for a whole day, seeing what they do. They are all non-members except a random uncle and aunt. Again we were shocked. We talked with them for a bit about continually meeting with them. It was awesome!

As a side note. I have been a part of a ton of priesthood blessings recently! So far there have only been positive effects with each one! It is awesome!

Sunday: this was the interesting day. It started off fantastic with a baptism!! And…… I PERFORMED IT!!! Afterwards, I couldn’t feel my own weight through my feet. I barely did it first try though. Hahahaha! He was a big fella. But I did it! He is a great addition to the church. He is one of those guys that does not do anything at someone else’s pace and doesn’t do it because of others. So this was a very good baptism. He is a great guy! After that we had normal church and confirmed him.

After church we went to a Methodist church to something called the “feast of carols”. It was performed by the chaminade (sham-in-odd) music club. It was pretty cool. Especially when they used the hand bells for two songs. They sounded real harmonic and beautiful! We were actually invited by the branch president’s wife who was an active Methodist. She led and sang. After that we had dinner and went to the church for the Christmas devotional, which was also good.

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