Hey Guys!
Well this week was the last week of another change! We worked really hard and had a lot of success too! We found 8 more people interested and they all now have baptism dates! Last night I went out with an Elder that’s from Arizona too and he has 2 months out here! We thought we were going to have a hard time because we both don’t know Spanish very well, but it ended up going great! We contacted this family and we taught them about the restoration and Joseph Smith and now they want to be baptized!! It had to be the spirit talking to them because we were not speaking that well! It was awesome! It really made my testimony grow even more of the Holy Ghost! Then after we were having all this success I got a call from my District Leader and he told me that I am getting transferred… It was a shock to me because I only have 3 months here in my area! That usually never happens! Usually we are supposed to have at least 6 months in one area! So this morning I packed up and said goodbye to my district and Darren (My Dog) and went to our main Chapel in our mission to get my new companion. When I got there I found out that I actually got two new companions! One of them is leaving in two weeks to go back home and so we will be three of us for two weeks! I’ve never met these guys before but when I met them president pulled me aside and explained to me that these two missionaries don’t really work that much and are not very obedient… He said he needs me to fix them! I guess that I’m going to be one of those missionaries! Ha-ha! Maybe I’m going to have difficult companions my whole mission. But I’m glad that President trusts me enough to give me this responsibility! My new area is called Pastora! It’s another part of Cuautepec and yes it is still super hilly! I’m excited to get this area working and be a great tool in the hands of the Lord! Love you so much!! Have a great week!!
Elder Koozer

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