Hey y’all! How is it going?! I hope y’all have had such a good week. I definitely have! I don’t have a lot of time though, so bear with me. This email may be a bit short. 

We are really trying to contribute to the 500 baptisms goal our mission has set. Because of this, we are inviting lots more to be baptized. It hasn’t quite worked yet. We have done a lot better at inviting others to be baptized! We are still struggling trying to get 70 invites a week, but we sure are trying! We set aside time for finding every day, because we are seeking to help the work move along. Sister Smith loves tracting, but is still a little nervous to do the actual talking. But I will admit, we haven’t gone tracting enough. Our days have been pretty busy, but we made it a goal to make it a bigger priority this week, so that we can get in the routine of doing it daily. We are seeing some cool miracles as we tract. We have started by knocking the doors close to our apartment, and one of our neighbors has actually never had missionaries knock on her door! She said we could come back and teach her this week, which we are pretty excited about! We felt led to her door, which sure was a miracle.


This week we had another cool experience. We decided to do our Book of Mormon reading at the park. As we read, we were able to talk to all the people who walked by us, most of which were families with kids. We were able to testify how the gospel blesses families so much, and of course, invited them to learn more about it. By the time we left the park, our pages were wrinkling from the moisture in the air, and our legs were covered in bug bites, but we had reached our contacting goal for the day. We even topped it! And we were the recipients of a miracle. The Lord provides in every situation, which I am learning so fully! I felt so blessed that the Lord was helping us to reach our goals, and helping us to testify about His wonderful gospel.

“I am perfect in one thing. Perfect in trying.”

My quote is one that I heard from a Mormon message. It said this, “I am perfect in one thing. Perfect in trying.” That hit me so hard. I know life doesn’t always go according to plan. It hardly does actually. Ha ha. But the Lord doesn’t take away our agency, even when he may bless us with trials. We have the choice to keep working hard. We have the choice to keep pushing. We have the choice to never stop trying. I have learned that principle so much more fully on my mission. If I stopped trying…the work wouldn’t move as quickly and I would be wasting my time out here. And the same applies to y’all, in the various stages of your lives. Don’t stop trying.

Sorry there is no time to write funny moments. A quick one though…a random guy told me  I looked like Jessica Alba…I have no idea who this is. The elder behind him said, “that is one compliment.” Which made me really uncomfortable. Then the man goes on to say how it really is because she is a really attractive person…and blah blah blah…I about died from blushing and could not change the subject fast enough! Some people don’t know where the draw the line with missionaries! ha ha

I hope y’all have a great week! Love y’all!

Sister Zackrison

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