SISTER FIRTH: IRELAND-“He sees you clearly.”

Well hasn’t this week been eventful? It’s been eventful out here and it looks like it’s been eventful back at home! Love it!! Being busy means time moves quicker! Hope all is well back in Utah! :) Oh and p.s. it is flipping HOT!!! It’s September 29th and I’m sweating in Ireland…that’s unheard of! haha

So this past week was great! I’ll update you on people real quick…So Sharnon the less active is good! We taught her the Gospel of Jesus Christ. She is keeping all of her commitments which is a huge plus! Now we are just working on setting a date for her to come to church!


Stuart is good! We also taught him the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We were being bold with him and the member whose house we taught him at helped us be more bold. I think this is going to be the last straw for us and the members because he’s been getting the lessons on and off for the past 8 years. We can only do so much ya know. But he’s coming to general conference this week so that’s good!

This week was really good numbers wise. We were able to get two referrals which was a blessing and so unexpected! So that was great! We also taught that Romanian family English! Only the mom was home but we’re going back this Wednesday! It was an adventure! haha I loved it though! On Friday, we were able to go to Newcastle. It’s not in our area but a member lives there and she wants us to teach her friend. We were out there all day and it was a blast!! Sis. Martin, Nicole the member and I walked on the beach! It was glorious!!! It is so pretty there! Another place we have to go see fam! The investigator, John, cooked us dinner and we taught him all about God and who he is. He has some pretty strange ideas haha but hopefully we’ll be able to help him!

Then, that night we went to this alcohol awareness thing at the church. There were tons of non-members there. It was great! We sat next to this 14 year old girl. She was really nice to us and I really want to teach her so we’re going to talk to the girls in the ward!  primary (1)

Yesterday was so fun! We got to teach sharing time in primary and we did it all about missionaries, of course! :) We gave all of the kids mission calls, badges, and committed them to hand out a card to one of their friends! So it was a lot of fun! :) Then last night we went to the General Women’s Meeting! Wow is all I can say!! It made me really miss the temple but I loved the meeting! Two quotes I loved were….

“We are known and loved each individually by Him”-Jean A. Stevens

“You are dear to your heavenly parents. He sees you clearly.” Dieter F. Uchtdorf

I could feel the spirit so strong the whole meeting. I don’t know why but I was teary throughout it all. I love knowing that God knows me perfectly. He knows my strengths, my weaknesses, my sorrows, my pains, my fears, my joys, and my successes. He knows it all. And he can help me with it all. I loved how President Uchtdorf talked about closing your umbrella for Heavenly Father’s blessings to pour out upon you. I’m definitely going to work on that. I’m grateful for the knowledge that I have of loving Heavenly Parents. It’s hard for me to put into words the gratitude I have but I know without a doubt that He sees me clearly. I just need to let Him in more so He can help me and receive those blessings.



Sister Firth :)

p.s. us with the primary kids, me by a Hillcrest sign…go huskies!! :) And it was really bright…we couldn’t see haha but that was Newcastle!

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