Well what can I say about this week? My Portuguese is getting a lot better. Being with someone who speaks perfect Portuguese really helps also he is fluent in Spanish so he helps me learn a couple phrases in Spanish which is nice cause I still have a hard time understanding church in Spanish.

We have had a lot of opportunities to teach people but it seems that people’s hearts are being hardened down here it might be the weather. The weather has been turning bad so people are starting to get a little bit more closed up. We have however been teaching a good amount of people um don’t have any progressing investigators right now but this week we have a lot set up that should help us get the ball rolling.

Elder de Jesus and I had a very powerful experience the other night with a Brazilian family that we had been trying to teach for some time now. We went by their house and they were home and gladly let us in. We taught them the first lesson and invited them to read the book of Mormon and the husband Saulo told us no, he had the bible and that was good enough. So we then started to talk about prayer and how he could ask God if he should read it or not. We asked him if he would pray with us right there to see if he should read the book. Well we knelt down with his family and he belted out the super long obviously rehearsed prayer and then ended the prayer and said well boys thank you for coming. We stayed kneeling down and said irmao you told us you would pray and ask God if you should read. You didn’t do that could you please say another prayer. He looked a bit frustrated. Well he knelt down and this time didn’t say a prayer out loud. Then he stood up and said well I asked, no answer. I’m not going to read the book. Elder de Jesus and I knew exactly what he did, he didn’t ask. That’s why he didn’t pray out loud. Well it was sad but I had never felt like such a bold missionary in my life. I truly didn’t have a fear to say what needed to be said. It was a good but sad experience.  It taught me to be bold. Well after the lesson we were very kind to him, told him if he needed any help with yard work, or painting his house we are just a phone call away. We thanked him for his time and said one more pray with him to bless his family and then we left. Now we pray that he was able to feel the spirit while we were there and that he will call us back.

The next thing was the BOOK OF MORMON PLAY is here at Toronto. Ya the one that the creators of South Park made. It is nuts. It is sold out almost every single night. So what we do as missionaries is we go down there with book of Mormon and pass them out and pass out flyers. It’s amazing a lot of people were actually really interested. Ya we realize a lot of people just took the book to make fun of it, but a least they have it. It didn’t really help our work here, it helped a lot of the English missionaries get referrals but there weren’t a lot of Portuguese people down. It also was a good experience. I think it is funny though that people will spend three hours of their night watching an extremely vulgar show that is racist and makes fun of God and his church, but aren’t willing to give 15 minutes to the missionaries that teach the truth. Oh well, l it’s the world we live in.

Well I’m doing good. I’m getting right along. There have been a lot of long and hard days but we keep on keeping on.

Well I love you all so much and miss you all everyday

I remember getting a letter from Mitch around this time last year saying winter is just right around the corner and I thought he was so far in his mission. Well I guess now it’s my turn to say the same thing winter is just around the corner and it is looking like a long and cold one. Bring it on

Well I love you all



Elder Landgren

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