Sister Chamberlain: Hello there across the pond!!! :)

So um first CONGRATS to Lovegrove getting baptized soon :) How COOL is that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yay so proud of her! So bummed I’m not home to see it but Taylor and Katie are still home to support her for all of us girls out on missions :) Second two of the people I taught on the Isle of Wight are getting baptized these next two weeks. Mick is getting baptized this Sunday!!!!!!! And Alex is getting baptized next Saturday!!!!! I am just missing everyone’s baptisms but hey that is okay I am just so happy I even got to be a part of their journey :) Our mission president this last week at zone conference said something that I really liked. He said "I hope you don’t even know how many people you baptized on your mission. That is a selfish thought. You will never know how many people you were able to help and bring closer to Christ." It is so true. There are so many people we talk to everyday and who knows maybe that will help them be more receptive to missionaries in the future :) Besides it isn’t about the numbers it is about the people and helping them. It’s a labor of love. The numbers are just there to help us have goals and so that our leaders know we aren’t just chilling at the flat all day eating ice-cream haha! :)

“You will never know how many people you were able to help and bring closer to Christ.”

This week was great we had exchanges and Zone Conference. So super busy. We’re trying to find more people to teach so lots and lots of street contacting and door knocking! The family from America in our ward is awesome and they had us knock their street and if someone was semi interested they said just tell them to come to our house for dinner or mention our name because we went around and gave all our neighbors cookies when we moved in so hopefully they like us! Only two people answered one slammed the door and the other was actually super happy and nice wasn’t interested in talking to us, but the fact that the McNamees were so willing to put their names out there and they wanted to invite was awesome! They all have pass along cards and even their kids give them to their friends at school when they ask them questions about their faith. There is another family called the Elders who are amazing at missionary work they give everyone family proclamations to the world and just bring up gospel things in their normal conversations with everyone. Another Sister in our ward met a girl on the street from Japan that was asking for directions and she gave her her number in case she needed anything else while she was here for University. Later the Japanese girl texted her and let her know how alone she was and hard it was for her in England so Sister Jackson invited her to church. She came and we had a Japanese sister in our district come and translate for her and it was awesome! She loved it. This work is hastening :)

So funny story that I keep forgetting to tell you! Last week or maybe two weeks ago we were on the bus and this sweet older woman walked on the bus. She stood in the middle of the bus and looked around at everyone seated and yelled with a loud happy voice "Hello Me Hearties!!!" It was the best thing ever made my week! :)

Can’t think of much else. One of the members took us to five guys last week! Yep there is a five guys here who knew! Instead of the potatoes of the day being from Idaho though they were from Holland. Mmmmm love hamburgers.

Love you lots!!! Love, Sister Chamberlain

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