Sister Chamberlain: hello hello :) :)

So the quote of the day will have to be rain checked this week… we did our shopping and I put most of our groceries in my bag to carry and my quote book is at the bottom of my bag so please forgive me but I am not going to dig through it :)

Thank you for all your emails you all sound so great!! Love you all :)

So first I have to tell a funny story. So I went to the doctors to get a good acne medicine and when I was there she decided I should have some blood work done to check my hormones…..AH needles, blood, yuck. So I brave up and get ready for it and what does she do?? She misses my vein! I couldn’t believe it because Mom has always said what good veins I have! Anyways I made the mistake of looking at my arm when the needle was still in it and boy did I feel woozy. I was good though and stuck out my other arm for her to do but then I couldn’t help it I just said, "Nope, you know what I am going to pass out." And I did. The last time I passed out at the doctors at home I remember I was dreaming about Sponge-Bob of all things and this time I vividly remember dreaming that I was driving through a tunnel listening to music… so random. I was real embarrassed but I didn’t fall on the floor or anything cause she said I gave her enough warning to catch me haha :)

Every transfer we have 3 things that our mission focuses on this transfer it is training members, seeking the Spirit, and using the Book of Mormon. The last two have been things that we have focused on this whole last year but the member thing is new to this transfer. It was totally the Spirit though because before Sister Ross and I even knew that we were putting together a little study guide thing for Preach my Gospel for the members. On the Isle of Wight, Sister Barnes and I were teaching everyone after DAs how to use Preach my Gospel in their own lives, because a lot of times you look at Preach my Gospel as something just for the full time missionaries, but it’s for everyone. We started doing it because of Elder Ballard’s talk this last conference "Follow-up" asking everyone to study Preach my Gospel. Sister Ross and I have just made it a little more structured going through the chapters with a couple of questions to help you see how it can work in your own life. It has been going really well the members really like it (maybe they are just being nice which is very likely). I saw a lot of good come from studying Preach my Gospel in Bath because the whole ward was studying it just because that is what they did and missionary work is just exploding there because everyone is more missionary minded and excited about it. But yeah our mission president is having our whole district do it and if it is successful then he wants to have the mission do it.

There is an American family here named the McNamees. I wanted to cry when I was there they are so wonderful and the mom made the most American most wonderful brownies ever!! They are from Hurricane Utah and know Ben Katzenbach’s cousins there. There are quite a few people that I have met that know his family there. Such a small world. Anyways they are here for university. Brother McNamee is getting his PhD in finance or something smart and then there is another family here whose dad is American! I’m not the only one :) It’s nice because with my comp being English I get a lot of American jokes thrown my way by people. When both comps are American they are usually a bit more polite :) Never mind though!

Sister Ross is a fantastic cook and makes me things all the time. I sit on the floor in the hall way by the kitchen and sing to her or something obnoxious to keep her company while she cooks :)

We have a few really wonderful people we are teaching right now. Richard came to church yesterday and he loved it! Everyone loved him too! There have been a couple of thunder storms this week and each time we just so happen to be outside knocking or street contacting or get the wrong bus and have to walk forever right when it starts haha :) Good times Good times!

Well I love you all! :) Have a fab week!! :) :)

Love, Sister Chamberlain

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