Sister Zackrison: Summer is comin!

Hey Y’all!

Can you believe that May is flying by?? It hasn’t been too hot yet…but I know it is on its way due to the fact that there are bugs  everywhere! Last night right as we were getting ready to pray…this gigantic cockroach runs across the room. It went under our dresser so we had to move the dresser and catch it! I had to kill it as it was running right for me! So gross. But good times!

This week was transfers! What a good, and busy week it has been! It is crazy to think that I got a new companion. Sister Petersen is really a joy to serve with. Her testimony is so genuine, as is her love to share the gospel with others. She has a wonderful light about her, and she radiates it to those around her. She has already helped me to grow and we have only been together for a few days! I know that she is what this area needs, and I am grateful to work with her. We have had fun so far.

This week, we spent some time tracting. Slowly, it is getting easier to do and I am starting to “acquire a taste for it.” We spent some  time on our Sunday walking around a neighborhood. These houses had these long, steep driveways. There was one house that I really didn’t  want to walk up because I expected them to say no. But then a voice in my head said, “What if that house is where your new investigator  lives?” So I marched us up the driveway and we knocked on the door.  After some confusion, they opened the door. She was really sweet! She told us a little about her family, and her work schedule. She said we could come back! I am not sure how solid of an invitation it is…but hey, we will definitely be doing a follow-up visit! haha.

Later on that day, we were about ready to quit to go to dinner. I was having an internal debate about whether or not I should knock on the door by our car. Before I could make the choice, my feet were leading me to the door…and we knocked. It was the craziest thing. The man who answered told us he had something on the grill so he couldn’t talk.  But then he asked us if we wanted some things he had already  grilled…and they gave us food! The wife was telling us all about their recent business trip to Salt Lake, and their tour of the temple.  I don’t know if anything will come out of it, but I do know that the Lord led us to their home, and it was a tender mercy for sure. It made me think of the scripture in Psalms 145:9. It says, “The Lord is good to all: and his tender mercies are over all his works.” That is the quote of the week, because I think that each of us can do better at finding the tender mercies in each day. It made me realize that this  truly is the Lord’s work. He is with us, and is blessing us every step of the way. In Hebrews 13:6 it refers to the Savior as our helper, and I can testify that He is. I am coming to understand our Savior so much more, and I am truly grateful to be here serving Him.

I hope y’all have a good week! Miss y’all bunches!
Love, Sister Zackrison

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