Sister Zackrison: Easter Week

Hey y’all!!

This week was amazing! We had such an amazing Easter. Not to mention…President Hanks came to church in our ward…haha that was intense. But not really, he is such a lovable teddy bear. It was fun to have him in class and to hear his comments. I have the best mission president. I also sang in the choir! Surprise! Who knew that going on a mission would turn me into such a singer? Oh wait, the fact that you can’t say no. Haha. But we only sang two songs, and I sang real quiet so it was okay. The spirit was strong as we thought about all that Christ has done for us. I don’t think any holiday has hit me as hard as Easter did while being on a mission. Before my mission, I think I got lost in all the fun things with Easter and I never really gave it the reverence that it deserves. But I can say now, Easter is amazing. I know that the Savior lives. The family we ate dinner with had the cutest boys…one of them said to us, “If I were a girl, I would NOT go on a mission…they have no fun!” We had just finished telling him we don’t swim or watch movies…but we didn’t tell him the rules were the same for elders. Haha. It was funny. I also spent the evening in President’s home…can you believe I serve in his area?? Man I was practically breaking a sweat as I was walking up to his door. It was scary! But it is also something I will always cherish. I love the moments when I get to know him better.


This week was a little tough. We had a few days where we didn’t do much other than try and find, and it was a little discouraging at the end of the day. We really did try and teach lessons, and we really did try and meet people, but we just were coming to a road block. Thinking back on it, it really wasn’t too bad. I knew that if we kept trying, and we kept working, the miracle would come. That made it easier to get out in the morning and get to work. It was Saturday night, and we still had not taught very many people. As we sat and ate dinner, we both pondered what we should be learning from this week. When we finished, we both got up and began walking, even though every part of me wanted to sit back down. We decided to go back and try to contact a referral we got from headquarters. Usually referrals end in a not interested, and we never have anything to report. But this time…it was the miracle we had been working for. This woman has family in North Carolina who just recently joined the church. They have been telling her all about it and she was ready to learn about it! She told her family, “Well find me some Mormons in Alabama, I would like to learn!” And then we showed up at her door! It was completely and utterly the work of the Lord. She talked about her nieces who had just gotten baptized in the first meeting we had with her. I couldn’t believe it. We met her brother today, who is also very eager to learn more about the gospel. We are excited to begin teaching her more. The best part?? They are Polynesian! Oh how amazing was that.

That experience brings me to my quote this week. “Energy and persistence conquer all things.” That is by Benjamin Franklin. But I saw the truth of it this week. We must keep going, even when it is tough. We cannot give up. I love seeing that in my everyday life. Just like I see the Savior’s hand. I hope that y’all have a good week! Work hard!

Love always,
Sister Zackrison

p.s…everyone should watch the video Because of Him…you WON’T REGRET IT!

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