Sister Chamberlain Subject: OH BOY IT’s A GIRL!!!!

So guess what I am training again!! I don’t know who or where she is from President didn’t clue me in this time but I will find out tomorrow when I pick her up! I am so excited because I feel like I just know so much more this time around! Last time I just had three months of knowledge and now this time I have 9 months and some training under my belt so I am a ton less stressed! Oh and guess what Sister Steffensen is opening an area and training this transfer and Sister McLeod is training! Our whole little family is a training. It would be cool if Sister McLeod’s trainer was training but she went home when I came out and now she is married!!! Crazy I know. Sister Lloyd is going to Peckham. It is just south of London. Her comp is from Nigeria. It’s kind of a dodgy place so she will have lots of fun stories!

So this Easter week has been fab. I want you all to watch the video on called “Because of Him” it is just one of the main videos on the main page and it is just sweet! It puts things in perspective for me and it has way cool music to it that reminds me of dance co. haha so you know it’s good. May or may not make me cry every time darn it. This week I have really been trying to focus my studies on Christ’s life and any other scriptures I read I really try and figure out how Christ fits into the story. I feel that sometimes we get so caught up in side things about the church that we forget why everything is so important in the first place. Because of Him. Another part of Easter that I loved was my bunny ears that mama sent me. I have been wearing them every night with my comp and singing “Happy Easter Everyone!” We don’t need those annoying singing bunnies when you have Sister Chamberlain around!! haha

Oh on Monday we went to Quarr Abbey with one of our investigators and his wife and the Elders. We met Mick’s good friend Father Luke. He was everything I had hoped a monk to be. We listened to them chant and everything and we got to sit up close cause we were “visiting religious people.” Let me tell you it was much cooler than the cartoon monks on Mighty Python and the Holy Grail. It was just the coolest thing!! And I got lemon cake which I just adore. Oh yesterday on the street we stopped Sarah Brightman. For all of you who are ignorant of Broadway stars (such as I) she was the original Christine in the Phantom of the Opera, the ex-wife of Andrew Lloyd Weber. She told us she had performed in Utah a few times and so I asked her name and Sister Lloyd started wiggin out she was so excited. Alas she was not interested.

Well I cannot think of anything else fantastic to tell you. Lots of miracles lots of fun. Lovin the island! Love ya!!

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