Sister Chamberlain: ALOHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well hello there! I hope you are all doing just fantastic as I am sure you are! So last week was a bit of a discouraging week to be quite frank, but that does not diminish our faith that this week will be extraordinary!

I hope everyone enjoyed conference because I sure did! I only got to see two sessions because our ward misinformed us when they were broadcasting it in the chapel and then we were never re-informed about the correct times, but no matter I got to hear some marvelous talks! I just love conference it is like this huge spiritual energy boost that makes you feel like you can conquer the world! It’s kind of like watching a super action packed movie where after you want to go take down bad guys and save the world from zombies, but conference is on a spiritual level obviously. So after conference Sister Lloyd and I sat down and made some goals for the area, the ward, and ourselves, and guess what?!?! They are all going to happen; we are going to make them happen!

I wish something crazy exciting happened this last week to tell you about or something funny but I can’t think of anything. My mission president called me about shadow dying which was real thoughtful of him (yes I told him in my email about shadow ha). Did you know that animals go to heaven! I already knew that because of the movie all dogs go to heaven but Revelations 5 look it up! Well I am chopping off all of my hair today! No not all of it but lots of it I haven’t gotten a hair cut since I have been here and it is getting real dead! Sorry this is a lame email but yeah :) Thank you for all of your emails and pictures!!

Love you!! Love, Sister Chamberlain

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