Elder Cowan: Transferring…

Well, it is official, I am out of Deltona. I had a feeling I would be gone about four weeks ago when one of the mission leadership let slip that I was probably out of Deltona. I tried to have a positive attitude that I was staying, but the call came on Friday that I was leaving. They usually don’t call until Saturday night but that is okay. As a result of calling on Friday, I am all packed and don’t have to worry about missing anything!

I guess I should still talk about how great the week was! I think the overall coolest thing was General Conference! If you haven’t seen any of it, you should totally check it out on lds.org! The messages are applicable to everyone and it is a great way to find inspirational questions! One of the talks that really stuck out was talking about LDS Olympians especially the skeleton lady, and how they train all their life for a 4-minute race. They talked about how our lives are kind of like this 4-minute race. How well have we prepared for it and how well will we perform when it comes to it? I really liked it and it applied so well to missionary work.

We have been working hard but because Saturday and Sunday were taken up by conference, we didn’t get to do much in the way of work. We still had a solid week which I really liked. I got the chance to work over in Daytona for a day. It was very crazy. It was well past the spring break phase but it was still crazy to be over there during the spring especially since it is one of “those” spring break places.

Overall, I am looking forward to the new area. It will be a great experience. I have my places picked out where I am guessing I am going. Here they are: Lecanto, Claremont, Olympia, or Kissimmee.

Take care everyone and have a great week! Stay warm and think great Florida thoughts!!!
Elder Cowan

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