Elder Powell: Always Eternity

Hey y’all!

First and foremost, next Monday is the halfway point of January! Which means, my favorite month is coming up! We are gearing up for some top-of-the-line Plan of Salvation, Eternal Marriage & Family lessons!! I cannot closely describe the excitement I have for the LOVE Month!! It truly is the most wonderful time of the year. Thank you Walmart for putting out Valentine’s Day decoration on December 26th. Hahaha.

Anyway, we had a very productive and successful first week of the greatest year of the century. I just have so much love for 2018! You know actually, it’s just so weird. I know I’m doing missionary work for half of it, as well as being home for half of it too. Best of both worlds and it’s fantastic. Haha okay sorry for that. Unfortunately, we currently do not have any Baptismal Dates set. However, we have four Investigators all ready to be baptized until legal activities are cleared. So possibly, February might be one exciting month!

Due to our massively spread out Zone and District, each Tuesday we have our Skype District Meeting. We only have one in-person District Meeting per transfer which takes place at Mission President Interviews. I had the opportunity to give a twenty minute training on Weekly Planning. Of course, I was making everyone laugh over the call due to my over excitement and love for Weekly Planning because I see it as ‘mid-week pday.’ Hehehe it’s just so relaxing especially going to Speakeasy, Starbucks, or any other cafe. Always a time to eat food, update, organize, plan; so who wouldn’t love it!?

#FridayNightDateNight takes place in a different place. Friday – Sunday we were in Hugo, Oklahoma. Which is another tiny town with absolutely no cafe! Ugh. But luckily, they have a really beautiful Subway. They even still have their Christmas tree up so it will always be festive. Anyway, we have seen the staff several time before being there every weekend. I asked if they are planning on Valentine’s Day decorations and of course they said absolutely! I was jumping up and down. They never saw a happier person in tiny town Hugo OK. Hahaha then guess what. Naturally we led into a discussion of the Plan of Salvation and how families can be eternal. Turns out, one of the workers just got engaged before Christmas and they were so interested about it all! We have another appointment with her this weekend. Score!

I know we all have a Loving Heavenly Father. We are each brothers and sisters. We are ONE family. If we can know anything in this life, we must know we are loved and cared for by our Heavenly Father. Our brother and Savior Jesus Christ died for each of us. We are capable of perfect happiness and joy through Him and cleansing by the Holy Ghost. I am grateful I get to bare witness of Him as a Disciple of Jesus Christ for two years and onward. We are all Disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ. May we invite Him into our lives and into the lives of others.

Thanks for the continued love and support. Have a wonderful upcoming week.

Bye :)


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