Elder Powell: Guess what’s back…

Hey hey!

What’s going on y’all, happy new week again and last week of April! May is coming up and I can’t believe it! Such an exciting time! This month and past week have flown by to the fullest. Woot woot! Before I dive into life here in Waxahachie, TX, I would like to recognize the grand state of Utah and this team called the Utah Jazz! What a party it is up there during the Playoffs. Rough game Friday down to the last three minutes of the game, booo. But yesterday’s game, Sunday, was fabulous! TNT was in the house and first playoff win in Salt Lake City since 2010! I wish I could’ve seen all the buildings downtown lit up with the Jazz colors and all the festivities. Super exciting! Don’t ask me how I know all these things, I got some inside scoops hehehe #TakeNote (:

Alrighty starting off from last week it was of course. . . Transfers!! As projected, I am staying here in Waxahachie for at least another six weeks and my new companion is Elder Parker Lazenby. He and my old companion, Elder Roberts, go home this July. He is super awesome and we get along very well *shocker.* He, like a few other previous companions of mine, is dealing with some challenges and difficulties in his personal life. I love, love my role and one of my special talents to be able to work with missionaries that have struggles in their lives. I have mine, and me being such a “people person” helps so much. I hope I am being able to bless and influence their lives in some small way, but even greater, they are blessing my life. I have grown a whole new level for loving people. I’ve been able to see more clearly the kind of love our Heavenly Father has for each of them. Absolutely no person is perfect, nor can we be perfect, but we are all brothers and sisters striving to be the best selves we can become in a challenging world. We are growing and developing as a family to one day live forever with our Heavenly Father. It breaks my heart to see people in such misery and sadness. I can’t even imagine living my life feeling in such a way to be that down on myself. I have so much love for these people. These people mean the world to me in every way, people I can turn to and look up to. It’s horrible to see them not know that there are tons and tons of people that they positively influence in more ways than they can imagine. And on top of that, the kind of love and pride their Heavenly Father has for them. I’m thankful to be involved so heavily in being able to serve with these incredible people.

We got some Breaking News: Last Wednesday guess what. . . . . CHICK-FIL-A OPENED!!! Ahhhh my heart guys it was the BEST day I’ve experienced in my life haha. It was the grand reopening. Can I tell you, it is just incredibly beautiful. The outside is newly painted and refreshed, a second drive thru was added, the inside layout is completely different and the food tastes better. Wednesday – Saturday, lines were out the door and the drive thru lane was backed up to another parking lot. The wait inside and drive thru were BOTH 45 – 60 minute wait! It was amazing!! Of course we went for the grand reopening and it took about 50 minutes through the drive thru, Elder Lazenby wasn’t too happy to wait that time for just a Chick-fil-a but I was all about it and said it would be great! It was the best grilled chicken sandwich and dairy free shake I’ve eaten in many many many years. (Literally hehe) felt like only 5 minutes in line it went by super fast! Big party going on with music and balloons and wonderful 85 degree weather. Perfect!!

Continuing on with food festivities, we were going to eat dinner at our ward mission leader’s house Saturday night with a massive roast, and it was really bad coming out of the bag so they got pretty upset and hoping to get their money back so when that happened…. we packed up to go to Chili’s! I love Chili’s so much! And even more exciting, Saturday night for the second date night and it was a 35 minute wait! WAHOO! We are scoring with dining in Waxahachie lately. Hahaha they weren’t super happy to wait the time but I told them all about how and why the wait is a great and wonderful time and they were thoroughly entertained and thought I was unbelievable. But my goodness, those delicious chicken tacos and ESPN with some NBA Playoff basketball, talk about a Saturday night. Love it!

I guess I should finally tell you about our next potential baptism haha, a couple days ago we were casually talking to the Bishop in the Waxahachie 2nd Ward and when we were about ready to leave, we just quickly asked him of a 9+ unbaptized member that we could check up on. He suggested we check out this 9 year old girl, Kaitlyn James. We were super thrilled and exactly 12 minutes later, we got a text from the ward clerk, who was going thought the records and texted us to check up on Kaitlyn James too. Woah! With them not even knowing they were going to tell me all happened within 15 minutes. Super cool! Two people telling us to go check up on her and apparently the Primary President was visiting with her several times last year to get things going with them but nothing happened. We still haven’t been able to make contact so hopefully this week we can and set a date! Super great!

Other than that, the missionary work here is all about updating records and doing a lot of less active work; which I really support and wish missions world wide would make more emphasis on them. Some of the most special things you can do is work with them to bring them back. They bring such lightness of the Spirit within those members. They have the gift of the Holy Ghost that has diminished but still there. Most of the time, deep down inside they want to go back to church so bad but are concerned and nervous to attend again because of what members would may think or say. They are people that still have such a strong love for their Heavenly Father and the Gospel of Jesus Christ, that should be a congratulatory moment for them that comes from us telling them how proud we are for them, their work, their willingness, and especially their courage. That is being Christlike for our brothers and sisters. We don’t have the time to judge others in anyway or to forget about our dear brothers and sisters that have strayed from the church. Even if they say clearly they don’t want to come back, we must not forget them. We must simply pray for them and do all we can to try to serve, help, love them, and let them use their agency to make choices concerning their life. We cannot look down at these people or view them differently than active members. They are still Heavenly Father’s children, our brothers and sisters, let us not look at these members differently. Simply treat and love them the same as we do with everyone else.

I love this wonderful world we get to enjoy and live in. I love people with my whole heart. I want others to feel such happiness and beg them to look at the bigger picture knowing that life is actually perfect (as mentioned in a few emails again) and beautiful. I challenge and invite each of you, find one thing, one little thing this week that you despise, hate, or dislike and make yourself love and enjoy it. People think I’m out of my craziest mind that I love absolutely everything, like traffic, that it actually brightens up their day/entire life and puts a whole new perception on things for both yourself and others. Try it! You will be able to feel so much more happy and grateful for the things around you and all you have. Love life as we live it.

I love you all! Thanks for all your continuing prayers, support, and love. Keep it up and make sure to go to Game 6 Friday night so the Jazz can win the series! ;)

❤️~Best Friday Night Date Night~❤️

Bye :)

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