What’s up guys?!

This week was really a fun week, so in a few hours we are actually going to go over to investigators home who actually served us that nasty nasty pizza. They want us to come over just to hang out and to feed us again. I’m crossing my fingers that it’s not what I think it is. I don’t want to eat that pizza again ha-ha. Speaking of food, yesterday we got invited to go to the Savransky’s home for Linner. They decided to have their Thanksgiving dinner early. So we had a thanksgiving dinner already!! Ha-ha it was amazing! We ate so much food and had food babies by the time we left.

We left a Spiritual message to the Savransky’s. We talked about page 200 in Preach My Gospel. “Follow up” the previous time we were there we talked about how they can share the Gospel to people they come in contact with. He has been wanting and been prompted by the Spirit to share the Gospel with this Lady that works at the Library near his home in East Palestine. We told him how we can do it. So we talked about following up yesterday. In Preach My Gospel, it compares not following up to buying a ticket to a show and not going, or starting a journey and never finishing it. What’s the point? So to the people that we come in contact with and talk about the Gospel. Sure they may not want the Gospel in their life right now, but they may want it later and waiting for you to bring it up again. It’s a great page about Following up.

We had the opportunity to speak in sacrament meeting and we talked about Elder Hales talk he gave in General Conference in 2012. “Being a more Christian Christian.” I would send you a copy but I didn’t write anything down for my talk, I just knew where I wanted to go with this talk and it was really well done by all four of the missionaries in the Lisbon Ward. It was really neat. So some cool statistics. We found 11 new people to teach in the past 4 weeks. How crazy is that?? We are teaching a good amount of people, but we have also dropped a lot of people. That’s just the way life goes right?

We invited two people to be baptized this week and they seem pretty solid. Especially a girl named Kaitlyn (go figure) for Jan 6 she is 15 and is really good friends with the Worth Family in the Ward. We also set one with Corey Miller for Jan 17. We are all super excited and things are going up from here.

Have a happy thanksgiving!! Oh and we are going to the Connors home with some nonmembers for the meal/dessert and going over to the Wright’s for another Dessert and maybe another house for dessert ha-ha. Love you!!

Love Elder Jordan Oldroyd

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