What up guys!! Another week goes by huh? Can you believe how time just does that to us? haha thanksgiving is a week away! I’m stoked to say the least! That’s the best food and multiple dinners! Ha-ha

Well transfers are this week, due to the fact I’m emailing on a Tuesday instead of a Monday. Luckily enough, I will be staying in this area for at least another 7 weeks! Which means, I will be staying for the holidays! I’m stoked about that!

A few stories to tell you, ha-ha so it poured snow here, we had a good amount of snow here and yesterday we went to the Clark’s home for dinner. We were outside at the grill cooking chicken and brauts. Well Diesel their bull mastiff and I were running around in the snow and I would make snowballs and try and hit Diesel. Just what I would do with Buddy and Rocco ha-ha. Well to say the least, I still have my throw down ha-ha. It was a fun time. All the way from Arizona moved a family and they were staying at the Clark’s home for a few nights until we could move them into their rental home. We got the big U-Haul to their house and you know it’s bad when the U-Haul is bigger than your home ha-ha. It was super dark outside (it gets dark at 5:30pm now) and the wind and snow are picking up ha-ha. The latch to the U-Haul and the sliding door were frozen shut. I mean frozen! We had to pour warm water everywhere and finally were able to open it up. We had a good amount of help and it was freezing!! With the wind chill it hit 6 degrees and out here it goes right through you. That was a fun time though. We have another family coming to build Kirtland up! Ha-ha.

Another story, so we were at an amazing missionary family (the Connor’s) they fed us huge amazing navaho tacos. Super good right? I ate so much and was filled to my peak. We leave and go to another amazing family named the Clark’s. We have a great 30-40 minute object lesson and then book it over to our investigators home who we found my third week here. Her name is Stephanie, and a chain smoker.  Her husband’s name is Shawn and her son’s name is William who is 8. She tells us “I’m sure you guys never get fed and haven’t eaten in a while because of the work you guys do every day. So I went and bought you some pizza.” ha-ha “oh Goody! I’m hungry, for sure.” I said the pizza was from Pizza Hut and it was just gross. The sauce was Ranch and it was just gross. I got it down luckily, I feel like I’m going to explode because I’m so full. Shawn asks if I would like another one? I hesitated trying to think of a way to get out of this. Stephanie tells me that I better effing get another slice ha-ha.  That’s just how she is. I just say “Yes mam” and I had to eat another slice of that gross pizza. I’m still alive though, so that’s good right??

It was a great week though. I love it out here and man oh man is it getting cold. You never get used to it out here!

Love Elder Oldroyd

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