Well what can I say about this past week? It was really really rough, but that is okay because it’s a new week. We had planned a lot of lessons with some really solid people and then every single one of them called us and canceled on us so this whole week we had no idea what to do so we pretty much just tracted the whole week. Not very fun but that’s okay because we saw amazing miracles.

Last week Elder Jesus and I were contacting on the street and we met a Portuguese lady who we talked to for a little bit and set a time to go over and visit her. I don’t like making appointments on the street because people never ever keep them. Well we went over to her house the next day and she opened the door and said, “My friends how are ya!” She let us in and started telling us all about her life and how when she was talking to us she felt something different so she was super excited to meet with us again. Well we taught her the first lesson then planned to visit her a second time.  We gave her a book of Mormon and asked her to read. We went over the next day and she said that she loves the book of Mormon and even read more than what we had given her. It was so awesome! She said she would come to church but then on Sunday she got the Sunday sickness which I used to get every Sunday also J. So we are going over this Tuesday to help her out and talk to her more.

Also we had Halloween this last week. It feels so weird not going out and doing things for Halloween because it has always been one of my favorite holidays. I have always loved it, well this was my last Halloween here so next year I can celebrate it. So during Halloween we just did our weekly planning. It was nice and a weird feeling to be inside of the apartment at around 6 though.

It has already snowed here and it was the first time Elder Jesus had ever seen snow. He was really excited then he learned, oh it’s very cold… hahhha

The last thing that happened this week was my first convert Symar the Brazilian came back to church!!!!!!!!!!! He came to church and was so happy!!!!! It was testimony meeting and at the very end he stood up and bore his testimony. He told about all the trials that he has gone through here and how he was baptized and how after his baptism he left the church because he couldn’t leave his catholic roots.  He said he just didn’t feel the same in the Catholic Church. And then he said one thing, it just blew us all away, this was something I already knew but when he said it, it was amazing. He said, “I know that this church is true and I can never ever deny it. I know the book of Mormon is true, Joseph Smith was and is a prophet and that this is Christ’s church, and I hope I can endure all things.” He bore such an amazing testimony and after that he came up to me gave me a big hug and said he was going back to Brazil in December. He told me that his home will always be open for me. So I guess after my mission I’m going to Brazil!

Well that is just about it.I don’t really like the month of November because it brings back bad memories of last year but that is over and we just have keep on keepin on.

It’s getting colder every day and less and less people on the streets…

Well gotta corra



Elder Landgren

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