What’s goin on!!??

This week was awesome! Unfortunately da bears lost, BUT I was on exchanges and I was in a place called Ravenna. We went to this investigators house. His nickname is Red. He has a wonderful family and it was just awesome. He had long luscious red hair and a long red beard. I’m assuming that’s where he gets his nickname, what do you think? haha. He answered the door without his shirt and he is just tatted up! the tattoos he had were when he was in a dark time in his life and it was pretty obvious that it was a dark period in his life just by looking at them. My point of the story is Red is a bears fan!! You should have seen the excitement on his face to find out I was a bears fan and also my companion at the time Elder Loock is a bears fan!! How sweet is that?! We had a really good exchange.

You really can see the emptiness in people just by looking at them. Being a missionary you see that a lot I feel like. It’s truly sad, and you know that the Gospel could help them with that. You can know it for a fact, because we have all had our dark times in our life. You can relate to people and help them along the way. When you teach somebody that has that emptiness it’s amazing to see them brighten up. It’s one of the coolest things to see.

Transfers are tomorrow and Elder Jenson is going home.. He is freaking out ha but Elder Loock is also getting transferred out of the zone, so that sucks. Elder Loock and I came really close together. We seriously would have been great friends if we knew each other. He went to Northridge High. Not too far away

Nicole is still planning on being baptized on the 25! So that’s exciting, she has already been interviewed and everything. She is solid and such a great lady.

I was thankfully able to watch all sessions of conference. General Conference is like my Super Bowl! Nothing better than that! I loved General Conference this year! One thing that astonished I is how in the talks they use so many great scriptures and also that they are able to have a great story and to tie it perfectly back to the Gospel and what their topic was on. I loved it.

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