What’s goin on?!

DCIM100GOPROThe concert was amazing!! The reason behind it was that black people should feel welcomed to come to this church, it’s not just a white person church. It was so great! While I was opening the door for people to leave, this black lady probably late 20’s comes up to me shakes my hand with a big smile on her face saying she is coming to our churchon Sunday haha. It was great. A black guy about 40’s said, I feel great right now! I need one of those blue books! haha. We had just under 5,000 people go to these 4 firesides that we had! We had over 600 referrals. It’s amazing, it truly helped a whole bunch to get people into the church and listen to the music and feel the spirit. If you didn’t feel the spirit in there, I don’t know what you were feeling! Once in a lifetime opportunity right there!

On the 20th we had the Johnny Appleseed Festival and that was so great! We handed out about 60 copies of the Book of Mormon, 600 pass along cards and other pamphlets and other things were given away. It was phenomenal!

This is Elder Jensen’s last week in the mission field, we both can’t believe it. He is a little excited to get home so that’s good in a way. I know for me I don’t ever want to go home. I like it too much out here! I can’t believe I have only 9 months left.. That sucks! Time needs to slow down! Being a zone leader is great! I love being able to see how well the zone does in their week to week basis. We have an amazing zone! We have had 4 baptisms in a row!! Next week will be five weeks in a row. Miracles are happening here in Ohio.

We were teaching an investigator named Sunny (baptismal date for Nov 1) last night with her boyfriend Christian who is a member. Well Sunny has roommates named Corey and Brittany. They have been sitting in on lessons and are engaged with the lessons so that’s great! Yesterday we were over there and all of a sudden these two people named Brandon and Jamie (they are married) walk in with their little girl Bailey. They sat down and started asking little questions on what is different between your church and their church. That’s a great question I said! haha and we started teaching the Restoration and we pulled out the Resto DVD and watched that. They absolutely loved it, the crazy kids were super calm and watched the whole thing and everybody felt the Spirit. In a nut shell we ended up getting 4 new investigators last night! It was amazing!

We just taught Nicole, Part-member family. We went over the Word of Wisdom. She is super intelligent, comes to church every week and we are planning on baptizing her on the 25 of October. She is super willing to do whatever it takes to be baptized and to have the Gift of the Holy Ghost. It’s great to see her progressing.

Things are going great here out in the boonies. I love this ward so much. It’s an amazing place to serve.

Last week for P-day we played sand volleyball, football and Frisbee with the Elders in the zone. Elder Houser got a go-pro for his birthday haha it’s freaking sweet I’ll tell you what!! I totally want to get one when I get home. They are water proof. So you can hook it to the wake board and put it on the snow board. They are expensive. But man are they sweet!! We took pictures and also videos of us playing volleyball. Here are some pics when we went to the shade to cool off :) Have a great week guys! Love you!

Elder Oldroyd

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