Sister Chamberlain: ;) :)

Quote of the week:

Just kidding, I forgot my book and I am running out of time so my brain is too scattered to remember one at the moment :)

So this last week was brilliant. Nothing really happened to be honest.

Like literally nothing. We have been struggling at the minute to find new people to teach like I said last week. We have been going by less actives homes but they are either not there, not interested, or haven’t lived there in 10 years. So we knock the area and street contact along the way and we have had some really good conversations with people. Some we have even had return appointments with but then they don’t show up and so we call them and they say oh yeah sorry I am actually not coming. Great thanks for letting us know! We have been changing up what we say to people figuring out what creative things we can do and use so hopefully we will come up with something brilliant!

Heavenly Father is so aware of our needs and will never let us go without when we are doing what we are supposed to!!

We are keeping the faith though because we know there are people here that are just waiting to hear about the gospel!! One way cool miracle was last night Sister Sargsyan were having a bit of a rough go at it and getting frustrated with the work and ourselves and such and then we got a call just after we had both been praying to know where we could find people and such and it was the elders in Woking with two referrals for us!!! Yay! Heavenly Father is so aware of our needs and will never let us go without when we are doing what we are supposed to!!

We are meeting with aki tonight so hopefully that will be good. We are going on exchanges with the Aldershot sisters on Wednesday so I will let you know how that goes! Oh no I have to get my blood tested today for my acne medicine :( I will for sure lay down when they do it this time so I don’t pass out!

Oh one quick funny story so we were in gospel principles and we were talking about eternal marriages and then our ward mission leader was like I have a massive migraine and said can you handle this and handed me the gospel principles book and left haha I was thinking okay and looked around at who was actually in the class… my comp and I, the elders, a recent convert who is barely 18, and a less active woman who is struggling at the moment because her children went to live with their dad in Chicago. So we had a very interesting lesson. We tried to make it more relevant by talking about preparing to go to the temple and stuff and tried to talk about stuff we actually knew something about but it was just funny. Next time I will just change it to missionary work or something!

Well I love you all thank you for all of your emails!

Love, Sister Chamberlain

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