ELDER OLDROYD: Transferred…..

What’s going on!!

My Labor Day weekend was amazing!! You may ask why it was “amazing”. Well we were able to take some investigators as well two families in the Ward to Kirtland!! There is nothing better than being able to go to Kirtland and tour all of those sites! It’s just a very awesome feeling and learning more about each time you go. I can’t wait to take you guys back here that’s for sure! There are a bunch of families in the Ward that want to meet you guys and want us to come back. It will happen, or at least it better happen!! It’s amazing out here in Ohio! If only Ohio had mountains it would be even better. Just saying.

I’m so blessed that Heavenly Father let me stay in Ashland for 7 1/2 months. I have absolutely loved every second being here. We got the phone calls last night about transfers and who is leaving. Well 20 minutes prior to that phone call President Vellinga texted and said “Elder Oldroyd, will you please call me by tonight?” Well my heart started beating rapidly, I called him back and he called be to become a Zone Leader. Which is kind of cool haha. But that means I am getting transferred and also leaving the Stake I have been in. So in the Ohio Cleveland Mission we have 5 Stakes. When I served in Lorain, I was in the Cleveland Stake. When I was in Solon, I was in the Kirtland Stake. Being here in Ashland I have served in the Akron Stake. Which means I only have two Stakes until I have covered the whole mission! haha I thought that was a pretty cool thought. Leaving Ashland is bitter sweet. I don’t want to leave but it will be nothing but a good thing. It’s good to get transferred around. I’m excited for the next page to turn in my life and mission. You always have to keep moving forward and never look back. Elder Mitchell has been a very good companion and great to train and start off his mission. Next week, I will be able to get you my new address because I have no idea where I’m going yet!

Terry came to church and told us a very amazing thing that happened earlier this week. He and his wife Tina went up to Mohican State Park and this lady was having a yard sale. This lady started bringing up spiritual topics, so Terry started telling her about how he has been coming to the LDS church and she interrupts him and goes off on him! (The lady having the yard sale) She goes on and on and says that all he needs to do is go to her church for 2 months and he will become a better person and be saved and not join a cult haha. Well Terry didn’t want to argue so he was just like whatever crazy lady haha. Tina jumps in and backs Terry up! Tina told this lady that you haven’t seen the change that he has had in his life and how happy it makes him. He has already came to know that it’s true and he is able to have the Spirit in his life. He has totally changed for the better and there is nothing that will stop him. (Tina has never been to church) We both thought that was truly amazing for that to happen. Terry was just telling us that he didn’t have to back himself up, first off because his wife did haha and also he didn’t feel like he needed to. He already has a testimony and there is nobody going to take that away from him!

That was the miracle of the week. It was a great last week in Ashland that is for sure! I love you guys so much. It’s amazing to known and understand for the most part the Gospel of Jesus Christ! How great is that! I love the Gospel and it has changed my life, that’s for sure. I love it! Have a great week guys! Love you so much!

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