Sister Zackrison: Happy Memorial Day!

Hey y’all!!

Happy Memorial Day! Right now, I am at an investigator’s home emailing. They are all out in the backyard…swimming….yup. Missionary problems! But that is okay, it is worth it!! I hope that everyone is having a fantastic day!

This week was really great. We have been doing service a lot! Let me just tell you, we cleaned out an oven this week for a less active, and I walked away wearing more grease than I ever hope to see again. It was pretty bad. Like…It made me vow to clean my oven out everyday bad…But I had so much fun doing it. I think the Lord has really blessed me to find joy in the small things this week. I walked away from that situation with an amazing memory, and we laughed the whole time. I never knew it could be so fun to do so much housework! Cleaning the baseboards was also a piece of work, but fun stuff. Service really brings about miracles in missionary work.

We have been visiting with a family who has lots of friends in the ward. The mom’s name is Erica. We first met them because she asked a member if we could help her clean! Now she has asked us to come over weekly to read scriptures with her sons. She thanks us for our example to her children, and I just know in my heart one day she will accept the gospel. I feel so blessed to know her, and work with her. She is teaching me so much about loving everyone around you, despite the backgrounds we have. We also cleaned out a foam pit at a trampoline arena and I had foam in my ears and nose for days. But! The workers really appreciated the help and saw the works of the Savior, and that trade off was definitely worth it.

I also learned so much more about the Savior this week! I keep praying each morning that I can learn more about the atonement, and each day in my scripture studies something relates back to it. I have grown such a deep love of the Savior, and I am constantly in awe at who He is. I just want everyone to know Him and His goodness. I have noticed that as I have studied more about the atonement, my desire to share His work has increased. I have become more aware of those around me, and I am trying to give them the message of the gospel. I can’t express how much I love it. I know I have a lot of shortcomings and I assure you, I am still working on those. I want to give the Lord my best self, and I want to serve Him with all my heart.

We have spent a lot of time this week doing the typical missionary work. We have been door knocking, and contacting, and just trying to meet everyone. We still don’t have too many new investigators, but I will promise you one thing, we are working so hard! I am determined to say I left this area stronger than when I found it. The Lord gives us miracles no matter what we are doing as long as we are trying to build the kingdom. No effort is wasted, even when you are doing missionary work at home. We must keep pushing and showing the Lord we are prepared to be His servants. My quote today goes along with that. It says, “The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little extra.” I don’t know who it is by…it was on a journal I saw and I liked it. It is so true! All we have to do is that little extra and we will see the blessings from it. I know that to be true. And so, my challenge for y’all is to give this week that little extra. Give your best efforts to the Lord, and I know you will see miracles. I promise that with the authority I have as a representative of Christ.

This week will be what we choose to make out of it! Have a great Memorial Day! Love y’all!
Sister Zackrison

p.s…y’all should be so proud. I killed another cockroach. Well actually, I spotted it and Sister Petersen killed it. We make a pretty great team. :) They are pretty gross…especially the crunch as you kill them. Think about that this week. haha.

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