Elder Oldroyd: Easter Conference

What’s good out there??

By the sound of it, y’all had a great Easter Sunday huh? I’m great you guys had fun with the family parties and spending time with each other. It’s truly a blessing to be with the ones you love. As much as I missed all of you and being home, I loved it out here. We had Stake Conference this weekend. Instead of driving five minutes down the road to the Stake building. We got a ride with some members and it took us a little over an hour.. It’s crazy awesome to see how dedicated people are to make it to stake conference. We had over 1,000 people show up for conference. That’s awesome to have that many people. You know what would have been better? If we had all 4,200 people that we have on records show up. Now that would have been a great problem to have haha. All in all though, it was a great weekend. We spent a lot of time with the Crawford’s, they are like family. Jenkins and I feel at home with a lot of families here in the Ashland Ward. It’s truly an amazing feeling. We had Elder Teh (1st Quorum of the 70) come from the Philippines to speak in our Stake Conference. It was a really great conference! We were pretty excited to go this weekend.

I loved the package you guys sent me though!! Thank you for that! We had some fun eating all the candy until we felt sick. I’m glad that some members took pictures and sent them to you guys. The first picture was from a random lady who said that she had a son on a mission and she knows what it’s like to get pictures. She was really nice. We had to get to the Sunday session early because we needed to help out people park their cars in the right place. While we were on our way to Conference, Dakota gave me a handful of M&M’s. He gave me too much and they spilled on the seat. We picked them all up not knowing I had one under my butt. We got to the Stake building, I got out and Dakota told me that I had chocolate on my butt.. haha I melted an M&M with my butt. How unfortunate is that? I had Jenkins take a wet tissue and wipe chocolate off my butt. It was good that it came off luckily haha.

This week was a busy week, we taught a whole bunch of less active members. We went to a member’s home because they signed us up for dinner. We both had no idea who they were and their house was like 40 minutes away. It was a part-member family and she was the only one who was a member. She has been less active for a few years. The dinner was really good and the visit was great as well. They opened up and they felt comfortable, that’s a great feeling. She ended up telling us at the end of the visit, “I am going to start coming back to church. From this visit, I feel the need to come back to church and be active again without missing a week.” That’s the best news a missionary can hear ha.

Also this week, we had a bunch of service. We helped this investigator named Mike. He recycles plastic and really anything that can be recycled. He had a bunch of old t.v.’s that were super super old. His workers take off all the plastic so we had over 200 plastic frames. What we had to do was bust them up to be able to put them in a big box. Not going to lie, one of the best service projects ever! Just bustin things up, slamming them on the ground, hitting them with a baseball bat, jumping on them. It was a ton of fun.

It was Jenkins’ birthday on Thursday and we went over to the Crawford’s for dinner. They made so much food for us and when we were stuffed, they pulled out dessert haha. It was way too much food for us. We were really full. It was a great week though. I’m happy, healthy and loving my mission. Life is really great and I hope y’all are happy too. Stay beautiful people. Love you all!!

Love Elder Oldroyd

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