Sister Hamilton: “Is there life after death? Trespass here and find out.” – Uh…neat?

Hey Everyone!

It’s been a minute since I talked to you last and yet there is so much to share! (That’s a southern phrase by the way..) I feel extremely blessed right now! For the first time as a missionary everyone we are teaching is a family.. We aren’t just teaching individuals.. We are teaching the whole family, and that is such a tender mercy. I have literally been praying to find/teach families since I got my mission call, and so I cherish every moment we have to sit down with an entire family and teach them the good news, or Gospel of Jesus Christ.

We went on exchange this week with the Sister Training Leaders in Woodstock, that makes exchange #48 I believe. I was once again reunited with Sister Breinholt and we had a lot of fun! Truly we were robbed of fun when we were only companions for 5 days. I went back to the Woodstock Ward and loved every second of it. We had dinner with Judy and the other Sisters for Sister Porter’s birthday. It was awesome! It was fun being in my old apartment for a day and getting to see some of the members/recent converts there that we worked with.

We are continuing to teach the Spencer family they are so sweet and I just love them! We went to Annie’s birthday party this week and I thought it was so cute that Sister Spencer was talking to some of the parents about their daughters having a sleepover. The parents said “It would have to be a Friday, we have church Sunday morning,” to which Sister Spencer responded “Oh that’s just perfect, because we have church Sunday afternoon.” You better believe I had a stupid grin on my face :) haha They are doing well and are praying about being baptized at the end of this month so if you could keep them in your prayers that would be great!

The Dixons are fantastic, as usual :) Honestly.. I just don’t know what to say about them because they are doing so well and I just love them so much. So I’ll leave it at that :)

We are still teaching the Clarks but we are having to take things a little slower because Wendy hasn’t been doing well. She went into surgery about an hour ago, so we are just praying for success and that it will help her to regain some strength. The family as a whole is doing well though and I’m thankful to learn from their great faith!

President Hinckley always said there was a better way to missionary work, and that better way was through the members of the church. Well.. it’s true. Just accept it. :) And let me share an experience which will help you to see why, as if the Dixons weren’t enough proof. :) It all starts with the Futral family. I sure love them! Sister Futral is such an inspiration.

Two months or so ago President Nichols asked all the members in the Stake to pray that all missionaries would be able to teach 20 lessons a week. Well, a few weeks ago we saw Sis. Futral and she told us “As I started praying for you to teach your 20 lessons, I felt a sense of urgency to do my part in helping you to get those 20 lessons.” We then promised to pray for her each day by name to have the courage to invite her friends to do something. Since then they have had a family in their home for us to teach and have given out 3 copies of the Book of Mormon, and are trying to set up days we can do a Family Home Evening with their friends. It’s a miracle!

Now let me tell you about that sweet family. Susan and her husband are both deaf while their two sons are hearing. Her husband is actually a member of the church but because the closest deaf group is so far away he stopped going many years ago. As we taught them in the Futral’s home the Spirit sure was strong. It was really special to have Brother and Sister Futral bearing their testimony of principles and helping Susan and her boys to recognize that spirit. Susan would say things like, “I feel what you are saying..” or “I feel comfort, is that the same as the Spirit?” We would then give them a chance to answer and teach. The interpreters were also a great help as both served sign language missions :) Truly this really is the better way for missionary work to be done because it’s true and it works! The Futrals then were able to have them over to watch conference and are the ones who are setting up our next appointment to come and teach. I am so thankful for this great miracle and blessing! Once again I am reminded that the Spirit needs no particular language nor does it need to be heard. Rather it is felt and as we allow it to touch our hearts it can change us for the better.

That’s pretty much my week. In closing I figured I’d share with you a bit about my experience with General Conference :) I must say as Elder Holland started speaking I thought to myself, “Did he read my journal!?” That story he shared of those sister missionaries sounded a little too familiar although that wasn’t me.. haha I was amazed at how virtually every talk given addressed the need to stand for your beliefs and to be kind to those who respond negatively to your beliefs. And honestly, that just made me thankful to be a missionary and to be standing for my beliefs each day. I especially appreciated President Eyring’s remarks on the inheritance of hope and President Monson’s on loving those around us. It’s true, the world needs more love!

Well, I better get going. I hope you all have a wonderful week! Enjoy spring :) I am living it up! I love that it’s that time of year when everyone is having a bonfire at night so we just go up and sit around a campfire and talk with them. I love how green it is here. I love that the flowers are blooming. I even love the pixie dust like pollen that is currently coating everything :)

I’m thankful the Spirit knows no limits and that as we love others we better feel the love our wonderful Father and Savior have for us.

Love you all!
-Sister Hamilton














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