Sister Chamberlain: dg eg r i[0 ropkopawrg[pkig

HIYA! What a week. What a week. You know I am the worst I honestly can’t remember ugh let me think I need to write these things down maybe I could look at my planner to know what happened this week but that’s no fun. So Monday Monday was a Black Monday because of transfers which isn’t so fun until Wednesday happens and then it is okay because Wednesday is p-day. Sister Lloyd and I are staying together another transfer. Which I am happy about because she is real great! I am so scared everytime transfers happen because I really have been so blessed with companions so I am so afraid the streak of wonderful comps will have to end at some point.

Our new district leader is from Kaysville, Utah! There are four Utahns on the island! Which is no fun because then when people say it is an American Utahn church we can’t turn around and say no my comp is from Norway haha. But I am proud to be an American where at least I know I am free and I won’t forget. Sorry um………

So many miracles just so many miracles happened this week. So our investigator Keith has been crazy busy and we have not been able to get a hold of him. this has happened most weeks but then he shows up to church anyways. Well this week he didn’t even come to church so we were like hmmmmm that is odd, but then that night we were street contacting and it was time to go back for dinner and we walked up this street which I usually refuse to walk up because there is this creepy hotel that I know has ghosties in it but I thought I would be brave and not take the long way back and guess who we ran into?! We ran into Keith and he was doing great he is just being worked to death which is unfortunate. But yeah I had been carrying around this study guide thing he wanted us to make, a true to the faith book, and a DVD for him all week in case we would run into him and we finally did on Sunday so we gave those to him and will hopefully see him this week!

So Sister Lloyd and I have been really thinking hard about what we need to do to get this work to progress on the island. We have been doing the same old things and we get the same old results. Well I got to thinking and there are over 200 less actives on the island. If we got all of them to be active again we would have a whole other ward! I know that is a bit enthusiastic but hey I started out last transfer telling Sister Lloyd we were going to get a temple on the island…. which will happen just you wait maybe not soon but it will!

Any who the stake wants to split our ward anyways so I know that reaching out to our members will help so much! Because the Lord is not going to bless this island with more members if we are not taking care of the ones that are already here! We have stopped by lots of them and the few that will let us in tell us they stopped coming because of lack of support or love from the ward. So we are just going to show them so much support and love and it is going to be awesome!! I worked out this little map thing on our map to know where they all live if we have been tracting in a certain area ha I am just real excited about it!!!! I get real excited about things.

The elders in our district told us about these sisters who were driving and they ran out of gas. They turned to each other and were like ah what are we going to do. One of them decided I know what we will dump our water bottles into the tank and then pray that the water will turn to gasoline. So they did. They prayed and said I have enough faith and turned key. And do you know what happened?!?!?!?!?! They wrecked the car completely. The elders were laughing and saying they could see us doing something like that. I was a bit annoyed at first haha but then I thought hey that is a compliment because that means we have lots of faith but I know I also have a little bit of knowledge in the ol’ noggin of mine so I won’t be putting water in gas tanks but things are going to happen here they just are!!!!!!!!

Well I love you all loads and will be talking to you oh so soon!

love, sister chamberlain

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