Elder Cowan: My new 6 foot 5 companion

Hey Family and friends!

So this last week was transfers and Elder Ferguson got shipped off to a new area up in Orlando somewhere. I am staying in Rockledge which is great and my new companion is Elder Cushing. He is 6 foot 5 inches and can dunk! It’s pretty cool walking beside him because I’m at least a whole head shorter than him!

We biked a ton this week and my legs are feeling it! I think we might have biked more this whole week than I have on my mission and even a little before it too! Holy cow it was a ton of biking and talking with people and almost getting hit a couple of times (no worries it wasn’t close). So other than that we have been pretty safe. Found out we have bed bugs though… real fun to deal with.

So our investigator Nancy and her less active son Joe and his two daughters came to the Christmas party at the church which was awesome! One of the coolest guys in the ward and his wife talked with them long after the party had ended and helped them understand the church more and really fellow-shipped them well! It was such a cool experience!

Found a new guy this week too which is great because he really wants to learn and wants to have a great experience in the church!

It still gets me that there is no snow here right now but I am not complaining. I like having the nice 70’s when we are out biking! The weather has been perfect and just continues to be nice and sunny!

Hope everyone’s weeks are going great! Love you all lots and hope the week continues to be sweet!


Elder Ben Cowan

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