Elder Oldroyd: Roger wants to get baptized

Whatttttt uppppp Fammmmm!!!!

What is new from you guys???!!! Soccer stats?? haha you guys seriously look so great in those soccer unies!!!! Alex is wearing my favorite color! You all look like pro’s! I’m sure you play like them to! I so wish I could see them play but just know I’m rooting for you from all the way out here in Ohio! I hope guys tear it up!I love all the pictures you guys send to me it makes me smile so big and I am pretty sure I show Elder Jenson every picture I get from my beautiful family.  Remember that practice makes PERFECT!!! Speaking of practice makes perfect, I have to practice everything about missionary work so I can try to be a perfect teacher! I practice/study every morning just so I can become a better missionary. Think about a water fountain, it’s easy to drink because only a little comes out at a time right? Well now think about trying to get a drink from a fire hose. That would be pretty difficult right? Now let me relate this to the Gospel. I have to practice so that what I’m telling people will be able to get it very easily, and take our time so they can swallow it. (water fountain) but if I try to teach them everything and it doesn’t make sense and it’s hard for them to wrap there heads around what I’m trying to say it’s pretty hard to swallow everything at once right? (fire hose) Or for example you have to chew your food pretty good until you can swallow it without choking. We have to feed people out here slowly so they can be able to get what we are teaching them. They have never had the chance to learn what I have been taught so it’s a little different for them to get.

Speaking of teaching slowly, we have been teaching Roger again and we started all over with the lessons. Yesterday he came to church and let me tell ya, Roger looked great! He is as spiffy as ever, even at 70 years old. Roger acted like he was a member at the church, came and talked to us for a sec. Went over and got a program and went and sat down next to Brother Schmidt. He didn’t need us anymore it felt like haha which was a great feeling! We went over to his house at four yesterday, we knocked on his door and he let us in. He was watching the Joseph Smith DVD, The Restoration. He LOVES it! it’s probably his seventh time watching it now and we gave it to him last Tuesday. We started talking about church and he said “I know this is where I need to be, I had on overwhelming feeling of comfort and I knew this is where I need to be for the rest of my life.” :D holy cow!! Can you believe that? The spirit testified so strongly and he was able to recognize that! He also told us that he wants to get baptized. Without us even asking! It gives me the chills even writing this to you! I am so happy with him it’s not even funny. But there are some things he needs to work on and we have to finish teaching the lessons! haha he needs to stop drinking coffee and tea, which is not to big of a deal he said. And he needs to stop swearing, he has been doing good lately. Instead of saying the swear word, he will just spell it out hahaha I laugh every time he does it. But because he is old and throughout his life he performed a bad habit. It will be a little tough to break that habit. But he has all the right intentions he needs. His baptismal date is now November 2, so cross your fingers he will be able to accomplish that goal.

You know I have came to the realization that baptizing people is cool and all but what is more important is bringing those less active members back to church. It’s awesome to work with the less active members, because they have felt that spirit before. We just need to bring it back. This mission is a really difficult mission. I hope you know that haha. But I seriously love this work and everything I need to do to help people come unto Christ. To help people recognize what they are doing wrong in there life, to want to change (repent) for the things they are doing. I am able to relate to every single person out here, even though I don’t tell them exactly what I have done. I simply say “I know how you feel” and tell them how I was able to get out of the rut I was in and be able to have the peace in happiness flow into my life. You should see the peoples eyes when I counsel them I guess you could say with using the Gospel.

Yolanda I swear has everything going wrong. It’s something bad after another. Last time her dog got stolen, now she broke her ankle. :( she is in so much pain! She wanted to go to church soo bad to! But I gave her a Priesthood blessing and she was pretty nervous for it. “Will it hurt?” she asks haha no it won’t hurt Yolanda this will actually make you feel better if you have the Faith. Hopefully she will get better, she gets her hard cast on today.

Another thing I have learned, “Obedience brings blessings, Exact Obedience brings Miracles.” I have been trying to be super Obedient and it’s bringing a lot of positive things in my life right now. It’s a miracle Roger has said and felt these things.

I hope you guys have an amazing week! I love you all so much and to who ever reads these e-mails, I get every one’s emails/letters and I seriously love them! It helps me push through to better myself and become a better missionary. I know you are rooting me on and I want you to know I am also rooting you guys on. No matter through the personal trials you’re facing, keep doing the right thing and God will help you. Follow Jesus Christ’s example and become a better person. NO BODY IS PERFECT, but there is one person who walked this Earth to set that example. In every hard situation or anything in your life. Ask, What Would Jesus Do? And go off from there. You guys are a hug support and help for me and I couldn’t do it without you. Until next week :)

Love Elder Oldroyd

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