nj title 40 police promotions

Section 40:54D-20 - Appointment of members. Section 40:66A-4 - Creation of incinerator or environmental services authority. Section 40:48C-1.7 - Imposition of mass transit access parking tax. Section 40:20-72 - Members of boards of chosen freeholders not governed by optional county charter law; director, Section 40:20-73 - Compensation of freeholders not paid an annual salary, Section 40:20-74 - Salaries of freeholders not paid on per diem basis, Section 40:20-74.1 - Resolution fixing compensation; publication before passage, Section 40:20-74.2 - Hearing on resolution, Section 40:20-74.3 - Second reading or amendment, Section 40:20-74.4 - Publication of resolution upon passage, Section 40:20-74.5 - Majority required for passage, Section 40:20-74.6 - Compensation not changed unless fixed by resolution, Section 40:20-77 - Special meetings; how called; notice, Section 40:20-78 - Penalty for clerk's failure to call meeting, Section 40:20-79 - Adjournment of meeting, Section 40:20-81 - Director to appoint members of committees, Section 40:20-82 - Investigations by committees; member may administer oath, Section 40:23-1 - Books and stationery for county officers, Section 40:23-2 - Printing for county superintendent of schools, Section 40:23-3 - Exhibition of county products, Section 40:23-4 - Acceptance of contributions for county improvements; agreements for, Section 40:23-5 - Advertise advantages of county, Section 40:23-5.1 - Office or department to study economic resources and encourage economic development of county; establishment, Section 40:23-5.2 - Assignment of activities and functions, Section 40:23-5.4 - Appointment of advisory committee, Section 40:23-5.5 - Conduct of activities requiring real estate broker's license prohibited, Section 40:23-6 - Membership in New Jersey Association of Counties and County Officers Association of New Jersey, Section 40:23-6.1 - Summer camps for children in populous counties, Section 40:23-6.2 - Camp for undernourished and underprivileged children; commission or board, Section 40:23-6.3 - County camp commission and managers of camp, Section 40:23-6.4 - Members of commission; terms; vacancy, Section 40:23-6.5 - No compensation to members; expenses, Section 40:23-6.7 - Powers and duties of board of managers, Section 40:23-6.8 - Equipment and maintenance of camp, Section 40:23-6.9 - Meetings of commission; budget, Section 40:23-6.11 - Bills and accounts including salaries and wages, Section 40:23-6.12 - Employees and assistant employees, Section 40:23-6.13 - Employees subject to rules and regulations, Section 40:23-6.15 - Salaries of employees, Section 40:23-6.16 - Secretary to commission, Section 40:23-6.17 - Care and treatment of veterans in county hospitals, Section 40:23-6.18 - Necessary funds; appropriation, Section 40:23-6.19 - Use of funds not otherwise dedicated; borrowing money, Section 40:23-6.20 - Counties over 400,000 other than counties of first class; no fee for building permit for county buildings, Section 40:23-6.22 - Museum facilities and services; maintenance and support, Section 40:23-6.23 - Distribution of federal surplus food commodities; contracts for sharing cost, Section 40:23-6.24 - Appropriating or raising funds for surplus food distribution, Section 40:23-6.25 - Payment of costs of surplus food distribution by board of freeholders, Section 40:23-6.26 - Contracts with municipalities for services or facilities by counties over 500,000 population, Section 40:23-6.27 - Term of contract; advertisement for bids, Section 40:23-6.28 - Contract; required provisions, Section 40:23-6.29 - Appropriation of funds; purchase or lease of machinery and equipment; acquisition of lands, Section 40:23-6.30 - Establishment and maintenance of program for rehabilitation of youthful offenders in counties of first class over 800,000 population, Section 40:23-6.31 - Appropriation of funds, Section 40:23-6.32 - Construction of additional entrances and exits to highway projects, Section 40:23-6.33 - Appropriation of funds to pay for additional entrances and exits to highway projects, Section 40:23-6.39 - Establishment of county office on aging by resolution, Section 40:23-6.41 - Executive director; appointment; qualifications, Section 40:23-6.42 - Receipt and expenditure of moneys. Municipalities and Counties New Jersey Statutes Title 40A. Section 40:62-104.1 - Residency requirements for employees of municipality operating certain water system. Section 40:66A-7.1 - Audit of accounts annually; filing. Section 40:48-1.2 - Enactment of ordinance relative to possession, consumption of alcoholic beverages by underaged person on private property. Section 40:56-45 - Payment of award; payment into court in certain cases, Section 40:56-46 - Title to vest in municipality upon payment; copy of award recorded; map filed, Section 40:56-47 - Appeal from award; procedure, Section 40:56-48 - Contracts with county for road improvements; assessments for benefits, Section 40:56-49 - Improvement of streets part of highway, Section 40:56-50 - Contract with state and county for road improvement, Section 40:56-51 - Payment of cost; assessments for benefits, Section 40:56-53 - House connections; cost assessed. Section 40:55D-66.11 - Wind and solar facilities permitted in industrial zones. Section 40:54D-26 - Application for proposed project financing. Section 40:37-204 - Establishment and location of parks; acquisition of property, Section 40:37-205 - Lands for parks; lease with option to purchase, Section 40:37-206 - Surveys and maps of parks; records, Section 40:37-207 - Condemnation for parks; law applicable, Section 40:37-208 - Construction of roadways; acquisition of real estate, Section 40:37-209 - Survey and map of roadways and boulevards; records, Section 40:37-210 - Commission may establish grades; pavement and improvement of roadways, Section 40:37-211 - Condemnation for roadways; commissioners appointed; benefits assessed, Section 40:37-212 - Commissioners; appointment; duties; oaths, Section 40:37-213 - Hearing and notice; view premises; report, Section 40:37-214 - Court to hear objections to report; confirmation, Section 40:37-216 - Compensation of commissioners; expenses; inclusion in cost of improvement, Section 40:37-217 - Benefits assessed deducted from damages awarded, Section 40:37-218 - Award collected by suit, Section 40:37-219 - Assessments a lien; collection; action at law, Section 40:37-220 - Assessments for benefits; disposition of funds; payment of bonds, Section 40:37-221 - Assessments a lien until paid, Section 40:37-222 - Sale of lands for unpaid assessments; notice and publication, Section 40:37-223 - Sale for term of years, Section 40:37-224 - Adjournment of sale; notice, Section 40:37-225 - Certificate of sale; issuance; assignability; recording, Section 40:37-226 - Redemption of property sold, Section 40:37-227 - Time for redemption; declaration of sale; contents; filing, Section 40:37-228 - Effect of declaration of sale; liability for waste, Section 40:37-229 - Redemption by mortgagee; notice to mortgagee; rights after redemption, Section 40:37-230 - Unsold lands struck off to board, Section 40:37-231 - Freeholders to borrow money upon requisition of park commission; bonds; limitation, Section 40:37-232 - Additional bond issues, Section 40:37-233 - Appropriations; action by freeholders, Section 40:37-234 - Appropriations for current expenses included in county budget, Section 40:37-235 - Bond issues; law applicable; deductions from debt statement, Section 40:37-236 - Certain expenses replaced by bond issue; limitation, Section 40:37-237 - Amount collected from benefit assessments applied to payment of bonds, Section 40:37-238 - Lands used only for park purposes; railroads excluded; exceptions, Section 40:37-239 - Sale of real estate in certain cases; vacation of roadways, Section 40:37-240 - Rules and regulations; notice; penalties; disposition of, Section 40:37-241 - Transfer of municipal parks and streets to county park commission, Section 40:37-242 - Referendum; submission at general election; notice, Section 40:37-243 - Ballot, form and content, Section 40:37-244 - Vote required for adoption, Section 40:37-245 - Results returned and certified; record of, Section 40:37-246 - Clerk to deliver copy to freeholders; appointment of commissioners, Section 40:37-247 - Election expenses; payment by county, Section 40:37-248 - Petition for submission, Section 40:37-250 - Freeholders choose law to be submitted; notice to county clerk, Section 40:37-251 - Ballot; law applicable, Section 40:37-252 - Maintenance; annual appropriation, Section 40:37-253 - Acquisition and improvement of other lands, Section 40:37-254 - Purchase and condemnation of contiguous lands, Section 40:37-257 - Condemnation procedure; assessments for benefits; award of damages, Section 40:37-258 - Construction of casino, stadium and other structures, Section 40:37-259 - Rules and regulations; penalties, Section 40:37-261 - Establishment of park police system; composition; rules and regulations. Section 40:65-13 - Sidewalks on land under control of county; cost; assessments and collection, Section 40:65-14 - Sidewalks in municipalities; ordinances for imposition on abutting landowners of expense of construction, repair, alteration or maintenance; procedure, Section 40:65-15 - Reimbursement of account used to pay costs connected with sidewalk improvement, Section 40:66-1 - Street cleaning; solid waste disposal; ordinances, rules, and regulations. ", Section 40:33-13.2k - "Tax Base Sharing Option. Section 40:33-13.2n - Rules, regulations. Submit a Tip Alarm Registration Firearms General Code Book Welcome to the Middle Township Police Department website. Section 40:56-83 - District management corporation; powers. Section 40:68A-43.1 - Provisions relative to municipal port authorities. Is A Backswimmer A Secondary Consumer . Section 40:43-66.41 - Question of forming consolidation commission submitted to voters; alternative methods. Section 40:55D-142 - Procedure for municipality located in pinelands area. State of New Jersey > Civil Service Commission > Job Seekers > Overview and Job Announcements > Public Safety Job Announcements > Law Enforcement . Section 40:62-151 - Annual standby or ready-to-serve charge upon unoccupied lots. Section 40:14A-8a - Sewerage authority may charge additional fees under certain circumstances. Section 40:55D-62.1 - Notice of hearing on amendment to zoning ordinance. Section 40:41A-145.1 - Election to fill vacancy on board of chosen freeholders; exception. (B) Pursuant to policies established by the Township Committee, the Chief of Police shall: Section 40:54-29.10 - Joint library trustees, Section 40:54-29.11 - Termination of boards of trustees of free public libraries of participating municipalities; assets and obligations, Section 40:54-29.12 - Board of trustees as body corporate; name, Section 40:54-29.13a - Joint free public library administrators, duties. Sgt. Section 40:55D-3 - Definitions; shall, may; A to C. Section 40:55D-8 - Municipal fees; exemptions. Section 40:62-3 - Ordinance authorizing sale or lease; laws governing. Section 40:66A-29 - Municipalities not prohibited from operating garbage disposal plants, Section 40:66A-31 - Disposal of trash and garbage by sanitary landfill or incinerator method in accordance with state sanitary code, Section 40:66A-31.4a - Condemnation; declaration of taking; deposit in court; vesting title; transfer of possession; service of notice of filing; determination of compensation, Section 40:66A-31.5 - Resolution to exercise powers by board of chosen freeholders; approval by commissioner; replacement or repair of damaged property, Section 40:66A-31.6 - Bonds; ordinance; issuance; use of proceeds; pledge of revenue for repayment, Section 40:66A-31.9 - Financing by county pursuant to agreement with municipality, joint meeting or authority, Section 40:66A-31.10 - Power of municipality, joint meeting or authority or private company to enter contract with county, Section 40:66A-31.11 - Bonds as legal investment; tax exemption, Section 40:66A-31.12 - Payments to county and ad valorem tax by municipality, joint meeting or authority, Section 40:66A-31.13 - Payments to county by private companies; lien of unpaid amount; priority, Section 40:66A-31.14 - Construction of act; severability, Section 40:66A-31.15 - Preemption of solid waste disposal system by incinerator authority, Section 40:66A-33 - Public interest and policy declared, Section 40:66A-35 - Solid waste management authority may be created by municipalities; filing of ordinance or resolution, Section 40:66A-36 - Solid waste management authority; powers to be vested in members; membership; reimbursement for expenses; election, Section 40:66A-37 - Acquisition of incinerators; treatment plants or works, Section 40:66A-38 - Solid waste management authority as political subdivision; powers, Section 40:66A-39 - Audit of accounts of solid waste management authority annually; filing, Section 40:66A-40 - Certified copy of bond resolution and bond proceedings; filing, Section 40:66A-41 - Rents, rates, fees or other charges, Section 40:66A-42 - Appropriation of moneys for purpose of solid waste management authority, Section 40:66A-44 - Interim certificates; temporary bonds or other instruments, Section 40:66A-45 - Notice of adoption of bond resolution; limitation of actions questioning validity, Section 40:66A-46 - Negotiability of bonds or obligations, Section 40:66A-47 - Provisions of bond resolutions, Section 40:66A-48 - Default in payment of bonds; trustee; appointment; powers; receiver, Section 40:66A-49 - Personal liability on bonds; not debt or liability of State or local unit, Section 40:66A-50 - Real property, acquisition of; condemnation, Section 40:66A-51 - Service charge with regard to real property; interest; liens, enforcement of; collection, Section 40:66A-52 - Sale, lease, loan, grant or conveyance to solid waste management authority; permit, Section 40:66A-54 - Public bodies to pay service charges, Section 40:66A-55 - Mortgage, pledge or disposal of garbage and solid wastes disposal system; exemptions, Section 40:66A-56 - Bonds as legal investments, Section 40:66A-57 - Property as public property; bonds declared issued by political subdivision; bonds exempt from taxation, Section 40:66A-58 - Competitive systems; State's pledge and agreement with bondholders, Section 40:66A-59 - Banks authorized to give undertaking; deposits, Section 40:66A-60 - Municipalities' powers respecting garbage and solid wastes disposal limited after creation of solid waste management authority; use of services, Section 40:66A-61 - Liberal construction; regulation of solid waste management authorities, Section 40:66A-62 - Municipalities not prohibited from operating garbage and solid wastes disposal plants, Section 40:67-2 - Ordinances and resolutions filed, Section 40:67-3 - Hack or cab stands at hotels, Section 40:67-4 - Materials for street improvements, Section 40:67-5 - Streets occupied by railroad; improvement of; cost apportioned, Section 40:67-6 - Conduits for wires; rental; construction by utility corporation, Section 40:67-6.1 - Permits to United States; conduits; manholes or other appurtenances, Section 40:67-6.2 - Liability of municipality for injuries or damage as result of permits to United States, Section 40:67-7 - Change or improvement of streets; removal and relocation of tracks, poles and other property, Section 40:67-8 - Municipal improvements affecting private structures, Section 40:67-9 - Municipality may do work if owner fails; recovery of cost, Section 40:67-10 - Franchises and rights of owners unaffected by relocation, Section 40:67-11 - Street improvements; house connections by owner, Section 40:67-12 - Municipality to make improvements on refusal of owner; costs, Section 40:67-12.1 - Taking land for improving roads or streets; procedure, Section 40:67-12.2 - Time for fixing value of property; payment into court, Section 40:67-12.3 - Compensation for private structure or building maintained within boundaries of street, Section 40:67-13 - Street lighting; land, buildings and equipment, Section 40:67-14 - Contracts for street lighting; exception, Section 40:67-15 - Contract with county for street lighting; terms; powers conferred additional, Section 40:67-16 - Safety zones and other structures for traffic regulations; exceptions, Section 40:67-16.1 - System of truck routes; establishment; exclusion of trucks from other streets, Section 40:67-16.3 - State highway routes; county roads, Section 40:67-16.5 - Enforcement; penalties. Section 40:54-29.3 - Joint free public libraries. Section 40:55D-146 - Provisions of development transfer ordinance. Section 40:65-12.3 - Volunteer snow removal programs. Section 40:14B-23 - Municipal authorities. Section 40:66A-10 - Revenue bonds authorized, purpose, issuing details. Section 40:48C-14 - Definitions; employer; payroll. Section 40:48-9.4a - Annual appropriation to nonprofit organizations for treatment and rehabilitation of certain persons. Section 40:55D-66.16 - Solar, photovoltaic energy facility, structure, certain, permitted use within every municipality. Section 40:9B-1 - Establishment and maintenance of narcotic treatment programs and centers. Section 40:54-29.18 - Capital improvements; certification of sums needed; apportionment of costs, Section 40:54-29.19 - Appropriation for capital improvements; borrowing, Section 40:54-29.20 - Consent to capital improvements; expenditures, Section 40:54-29.22 - Discontinuance of participation in joint library; notice; joint meeting of governing bodies, Section 40:54-29.24 - Discontinuance; form of ballot, Section 40:54-29.25 - Discontinuance; effect of majority approval; participation in joint library by remaining municipalities, Section 40:54A-1 - Authorization to create seaquarium authority; name, Section 40:54A-2 - Appointment of members; qualifications; terms; vacancies; conflict of interest; oath; compensation; officers; quorum; bonds, Section 40:54A-3 - Employees and assistants; compensation; selection; civil service; offices; records, Section 40:54A-6 - Resolution of governing body; investigation and report by authority.

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